Good aggressive play from Rich he goes to another table pushes an old geezer about and takes his chips,old guy now brings his minder over to sort it out.
Here we see Richard Orford receiving payment in full, for Five years working as lead presenter. Now seeking new agent as all other presenters get paid in cash!
hi was just having a casual cash game on master cash 2 while waiting for a tornament to startand i think i called a silly raise while i had A 6 went on to beat pocket kings.... my hand id is 0509532440. do you think i done the right thing preflop? would be great if you could show that one on your show, cheers alan
Devil, "Crush them Richard."
Angel, "Crush them Richard, please."
Good aggressive play from Rich he goes to another table pushes an old geezer about and takes his chips,old guy now brings his minder over to sort it out.
'I put salt on them last time and they still tasted like plastic.'
were the chips saying
Of all the joints in all the world, how did we end up with these three losers?
"We wants it,
dlegend was broadline calling turn thougt he was bluffing
Here we see Richard Orford receiving payment in full, for Five years working as lead presenter.
Now seeking new agent as all other presenters get paid in cash!
'I don't know what you're looking so pleased about Grandad, i'm using this to put you in a home.'
Richard pondering to himself whilst failing to stack his chips
Rich in his best Tommy Cooper accent "Just like that"