PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedub1Small blind £0.25£0.25£46.25Tickler14Big blind £0.50£0.75£40.50ChirpyChipBig blind £0.50£1.25£66.21StevieHF20Big blind £0.50£1.75£19.58 Your hole cardsA10 jsim13Fold ChirpyChipCheck StevieHF20Check Spad3sRaise £2.50£4.25£46.90dub1Raise £6.25£10.50£40.00Tickler14Fold ChirpyChipFold StevieHF20Fold Spad3sCall £4.00£14.50£42.90Flop Q39 dub1Check Spad3sCheck Turn A dub1Bet £8.00£22.50£32.00Spad3sRaise £16.00£38.50£26.90dub1All-in £32.00£70.50£0.00Spad3sAll-in £26.90£97.40£0.00Spad3sUnmatched bet £2.90£94.50£2.90dub1ShowA10 Spad3sShowAQ River 3 dub1WinFlush to the Ace£92.95 £92.95
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I played this hand pretty bad. I should have just bet flop, maybe I can fold if you raise, maybe.
When you checked the river I felt you had a set or flush, you cbet there with just about everything else I think.
It has nothing to do with the hand being played or how it was played. This is just a blatant brag post about getting really lucky in a pot and a rubdown of the opponent.
This is all unnecessary and petty.When using the clinic oppos names should be removed unless they give permission for them to be kept in and it should be for the purpose of asking questions and receiving opinions.
Please feel free to never post hands like this again. Because quite frankly it is childish and noone but you even cares about it.
I play a lot of hands with dub1, only a bit of banter.
Would have been nice if a spade came on turn.
Talon plz refer to my previous post and you will understand why I posted this.
Have a nice day.