jmc64 42468.75 1 £15,000 UKOPS 4 Brrrrrrr 25531.25 2 £15,000 UKOPS 4 Only had time to enter one UKOPS Sat so far this week....hope I get similar success with the others! Posted by Brrrrrrr
i hopee my chips helped you get that seat then lol
Lovin it Lovin It Lovin It Lovin it like...... that! Name Team / Ind DTD1 DTD2 DTD3 Score Pos Entries MEMFNO DIA 113 4 1 5 1 3 LFB DIA 120 10 9 19 2 3 MOULD03 Posted by memfno
Very well done to both of you...good luck with your 1st place overall tournament entry!
Running hot at mo! 2nd in UKOPS 3 side £55 Bounty Hunter for £608 + £171 heads Waller 02 also finished 6th in this for a nice payout. GO DIAMONDS! Posted by memfno
UKOPS EVENT 6 (won this last year) .................... 3rd (boooooo) £1750ish UKOPS EVENT MAIN ((didnt win last year) .............. NOWHERE UKOPS EVENT MAIN SIDE ..................................... 8th £300ish
UKOPS EVENT 6 (won this last year) .................... 3rd (boooooo) £1750ish UKOPS EVENT MAIN ((didnt win last year) .............. NOWHERE UKOPS EVENT MAIN SIDE ..................................... 8th £300ish Posted by diamond81
nice win dave leading the way as the captian should well done m8
It has been noticed that we are not using the teams sky pages on here too much could we all remember this aswell as our positively HEAVING facebook page
DTD 1 .............Brrrrrrr
Small fry to the likes of DTD maestro Sammy, but two cashes nonetheless. )
Very well done to both of you...good luck with your 1st place overall tournament entry!
UKOPS EVENT MAIN ((didnt win last year) .............. NOWHERE
UKOPS EVENT MAIN SIDE ..................................... 8th £300ish
DTD 1 £28.04 (5th place)
6 points over-all for another Diamond win!
For all those that missed out on a chance to qualify for SPT Luton, here is your chance to get involved Online.
Sky are putting on an SPT Online Side Event which is sychronised to start at 2PM Saturday at the same time as SPT Starts.
The Link is HERE - 1K SPT Side Event
To see the original thread of me grovelling for this See HERE Thankfully they thought it was a good idea so I didn't have to grovel too much lol.
I hope as many of you as possible that are not attending the SPT @ Luton can play and join in the fun.
Best of Luck all.
Hi Diamonders
It has been noticed that we are not using the teams sky pages on here too much could we all remember this aswell as our positively HEAVING facebook page