CHEERS BENNY--you're right there---and big thanks for your feedback on my blog too!---I needed a bit of re-assurance--cheers mate---and i just rediscovered your x files thread today---dur---some brilliant stuff on there!!--you got a new fan too!
aawwww----cheers lads---was a great game!---strange really, because all the ones I did'nt win were rubbish!-lol-- thanks rover--felt like I was nicking your money--lol thanks also to ANJIE1970---She re-assured me in my blog about poker books. thanks a million to the railers---I love the community feeling on sky---thanks to all the riches, that have helped the community grow finally------ OOOOOOOZZZZZZZ DA DDAAADDDDDYYYYY-LOL Posted by oynutter
well done oy. i wudda railed you but just seen this morning . anj x
pillowman--elsabigdog---vaigret---lucky77777--acebarry---cheers lads!!---this deepy is always a great game--really hope its revival continues---sure it will do----thanks loads anjie!!---I was in the perfect mood after your words there---inspired! x x x x x
hi solar---cheers!--my secret is exposed in poker books blog--but don't tell everyone!--lol--patience pays, and spot da loonie earns a few chips---lol--thanks mate---had the cards at the right time really
nice one debs xx cheers hon- hi to dave, has he read rovers thread on poker and drink?---lol--nnnooooo--dont tell him I said that!!
errr, umm, that dosen't sound right ??? Oh well, well done
thanks rover--felt like I was nicking your money--lol
thanks also to ANJIE1970---She re-assured me in my blog about poker books.
thanks a million to the railers---I love the community feeling on sky---thanks to all the riches, that have helped the community grow
WTG m8 well done
lots of love
Candi xxxxx
thanks nosey, can see you're made up for me--bit heavy on the blusher tho--lol---cheers matey!
awww -thanks madmoo--love your name-lol-often think of taking up writing---new blog tomoro xxxx
cheers ozzie me ole mucker---might see you in the orfe tonight? floppa whoppa!!
nice one debs xx cheers hon- hi to dave, has he read rovers thread on poker and drink?---lol--nnnooooo--dont tell him I said that!!
Congrats nutter! You are coming on leaps and bounds I'm so chuffed for you - very well deserved :-D xx