What info can we ourselves gleam from our oppos when attempting to tag oppos @ table from their bet sizes. Just assume we are very confident in our own game. We are talking about our oppos and there generic bet sizing
bit pointless at the end of the day ambyr its what we do that matter how we play the hand that counts whet the opponent does doesnt make no difference 1 tell i know is if they raise on the turn = nuts Posted by IDONKCALLU
Am not sure if your trying to be funny or not???? Hard to tell.
I cant agree with you at all tbh. Our play/range has to run in tandem with the information we receive from our oppos. Am pretty surprised that you think we ought to just disregard important information on the people we play against. Agree with Rancid that the bet sizing is our clearest online indicator to oppos skill & tendancies, being frank, it was prob the answer I was looking for.
As much as our hand strength is important its only relative to the hand strength of our oppos positional strength & perceived range.
Agree timer bar don't make much odds unless they only playing one table. Though quick calls can often be people on draws because they've premade up their minds on calling most bets on the flop.
As for betting tells. Yes, at low limits there are tons of them, and its quite common to silly stupid 1/20th pot bets when they got second pair or some draw and they hope you will just call rather than raise them. Occasionally this is a reverse situation and they are betting tiny because they so afraid their monster will not get paid more, so they bet tiny and pointless and when you reraise they will call or shove. One to watch sometimes. Higher limits unless its a fish with money then I doubt you'll get any tells from their bet sizing.
Agree on the turn raise when you've lead out on the turn. At low limits this very highly likely mean if all you have is a pair its no good. They may bet top pair or second pair etc, but if you are betting they normally call it down rather than raise in most cases.
Apart from the obv fish ones, you may be able to tell against good players if they are trying to set up stacks to make river tough for you to fold or tough for you to call.
It's a good question but one that is massively down to assessing the type of player they are quick. Because the 1/20th pot bet can be many different things depending on the type of player your against. Same as a pot lead. It's a good question but ultimately bet size reads are dependent on individual players or individual tendency E.G LAG NIT TAG an so on
It would be hard to define these in MTT's unless your a massive reg and the villain is aswell. But very good way to read others in cash
I personally don't make note of any of my opponents bet sizings because I don't think it's something you can use as a solid read
I agree bet sizings is the number 1 read you can get online, but that's only because you can't get many. I usually just go with how the hand is played and make judgement as it's happening. I think if you concentrate too much on opponents bet sizings you can often make a bad play yourself because you have a false/not as accurate read as you thought you did. But this is just my opinion, I may be, and probably am, completely wrong and I'm losing $$$$$$$$$ because of it
a donk bet is when a player bets into the pre flop aggressor
e.g. hero raises on the button, the small blind calls and then the small blind bets into the guy on the button (the original raiser) instead of the usual check to the aggressor
I feel there is something on bet sizing. But you have to relate it to checks, the player, position and texture of the flop.
If there is a player who has been passive all game and then suddenly springs in to life 3 x betting under the gun and then firing again after the flop. The 3 x bet under the gun would make me sit up and notice and barrelling on the turn would probably make me fold - if I was still in!
An aggressive player who flat calls my 1/2 pot raise on a wet flop would make me wary.
KKA on the flop and first player to bet does a massive overbet. If they have the K would they really try and scare everyone off? Novice player might, experienced player unlikely - thats a milking hand and you'd want to keep players in but try and grow the pot a bit as well.
And I'm sure you could come up with more and better scenarios.
Bet sizing is just part of the story.
I remember watching on television a pro female poker player (can't remember which one) playing with a post it over her cards and winning the tournament.
Timebar is usually true tho.
Maybe need to clarify: (but prob not - lol
What info can we ourselves gleam from our oppos when attempting to tag oppos @ table from their bet sizes. Just assume we are very confident in our own game. We are talking about our oppos and there generic bet sizing
I cant agree with you at all tbh. Our play/range has to run in tandem with the information we receive from our oppos. Am pretty surprised that you think we ought to just disregard important information on the people we play against. Agree with Rancid that the bet sizing is our clearest online indicator to oppos skill & tendancies, being frank, it was prob the answer I was looking for.
As much as our hand strength is important its only relative to the hand strength of our oppos positional strength & perceived range.
As for betting tells. Yes, at low limits there are tons of them, and its quite common to silly stupid 1/20th pot bets when they got second pair or some draw and they hope you will just call rather than raise them. Occasionally this is a reverse situation and they are betting tiny because they so afraid their monster will not get paid more, so they bet tiny and pointless and when you reraise they will call or shove. One to watch sometimes. Higher limits unless its a fish with money then I doubt you'll get any tells from their bet sizing.
Agree on the turn raise when you've lead out on the turn. At low limits this very highly likely mean if all you have is a pair its no good. They may bet top pair or second pair etc, but if you are betting they normally call it down rather than raise in most cases.
Agree tho GT.
It would be hard to define these in MTT's unless your a massive reg and the villain is aswell. But very good way to read others in cash
Sorry, i'm being thick.
What does a donk bet refer to?
Is this a min raise followed by larger bet on a later street?
If there is a player who has been passive all game and then suddenly springs in to life 3 x betting under the gun and then firing again after the flop. The 3 x bet under the gun would make me sit up and notice and barrelling on the turn would probably make me fold - if I was still in!
An aggressive player who flat calls my 1/2 pot raise on a wet flop would make me wary.
KKA on the flop and first player to bet does a massive overbet. If they have the K would they really try and scare everyone off? Novice player might, experienced player unlikely - thats a milking hand and you'd want to keep players in but try and grow the pot a bit as well.
And I'm sure you could come up with more and better scenarios.
Bet sizing is just part of the story.
I remember watching on television a pro female poker player (can't remember which one) playing with a post it over her cards and winning the tournament.