01 Jun '12 at 13:16 Double Your Money£-33.00£0.00AHand History01 Jun '12 at 12:17PokerDouble Your Money£18.00£0.00AHand History01 Jun '12 at 11:41PokerDouble Your Money£13.50£0.00AHand History01 Jun '12 at 02:32Poker£100 Gtd (30 mins)£0.44£0.00AHand History01 Jun '12 at 00:29PokerDouble Your Money£9.00£0.00AHand History31 May '12 at 22:08PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00AHand History31 May '12 at 22:07PokerDouble Your Money£2.70£0.00AHand History31 May '12 at 22:07PokerDouble Your Money£1.75£0.00AHand History31 May '12 at 22:07PokerDouble Your Money£0.85£0.00AHand History31 May '12 at 22:07PokerDouble Your Money£0.40£0.00 Level 8 complete so onto level 9
You have to play level 1 and win it, then play level 2 and win it, then level 3 etc.
You can play your normal games if it doesn't clash with your level, so if you normally play £5 DYMs, you can play do level 1, and still be carrying on with your normal games, but once you've completed the £3 game, your next £5 game whether it's technically part of the challenge or just your normal game will be counted.
So essentially you have to win all 12 levels in consecutive order without losing one. And if you've completed say level 4, then you can play any other level of DYM and lose as much as you like as long as it's not the level 5 game.
Level 8 complete so onto level 9
I assume if it did take years all the Sky tournies will have changed so the prizes will change but you get the idea.
You can play your normal games if it doesn't clash with your level, so if you normally play £5 DYMs, you can play do level 1, and still be carrying on with your normal games, but once you've completed the £3 game, your next £5 game whether it's technically part of the challenge or just your normal game will be counted.
So essentially you have to win all 12 levels in consecutive order without losing one. And if you've completed say level 4, then you can play any other level of DYM and lose as much as you like as long as it's not the level 5 game.
(level 6 LIVE)
Worth a go again . Count me in.
gonna start level 1 now again lol
gl all
is it ok for me to start a 60p again and work up and still keep my level 6 live?