In Response to Re: DYM Laddering Challenge --- Turn 60p into £200 --- 3x £55 Primo Seats!! --- 223 Runners So Far! === FAO SKY === : Are you doing the challenge! Thanks for your comments! good practice on the cheap! Posted by wynne1938
Sorry Wynne I am not , I think my bottle would go at the £10 level if I were ever to get that far .Same again may I wish you and the others all the best in this quest . Its nice pitting my wits against the big hitters at the stakes I play . They must wonder what the **** is this !
then bust at l3
Levels 1 - 4 completed.
done levels 1-3
should the 30p dym not be included is this as well?
Shows how the standard of play on this site has gone up, last one of these was done quite quickly.
I have fallen at level 6.
Hi Everyone,
Going to give this a go. Just completed levels 1 and 2 so off to try 3 now.
GL all
Much harder than it looks! After going up and down between levels 1 an 3 a few times, have just completed level 4 and now going to take on level 5.
levels 4 and 5 complete
getting to nail biting time for a small stakes player
Back to level 1! Sigh!
Back to level 1.
Back to level 1!