PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceFOLEYBOY1Small blind 10.0010.00750.00XBig blind 20.0030.001920.00 Your hole cardsAA cenachavRaise 60.0090.001880.00Manc99Fold ROBBIEROTTFold FOLEYBOY1Call 50.00140.00700.00XCall 40.00180.001880.00Flop J75 FOLEYBOY1Check XBet 60.00240.001820.00cenachavRaise 210.00450.001670.00FOLEYBOY1Fold XCall 150.00600.001670.00Turn 4 XBet 40.00640.001630.00cenachavRaise 380.001020.001290.00XCall 340.001360.001290.00River Q XCheck cenachavAll-in 1290.002650.000.00XAll-in 1290.003940.000.00XShow72 cenachavShowAA XWinFlush to the Queen3940.00 3940.00
Bad call pre, called 2 re raises, hits runner runner for the flush. I woke my kids up with a few very loud choice swear words when the cards were turned over!
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Ul, run better.