A few things on my mind I would like to share with Sky Poker and fellow players.....
I'm a recreational player, who up to now has only played online at SkyPoker.
Over the last 2 years Sky Poker have been very good at keeping my attention and loyalty, with their various promotions, bonuses and competitions, plus I'm always a sucker for a good league competition. along with the odd forum challenge and playing on SkyPoker is fun!
At the beginning of the year I looked on with curiosity and slight envy at the players that had the opportunity to clear out the goods that were found in the lorry abondoned in the car park (the source of these goods may not be correct) at Sky Poker over Christmas.
Namely, the hit 60,000 points and you get an added bonus of 3DTV, widescreen monitor, Ipad, signed photo of Tikay and Rich etc. etc.
Was this a success for SkyPoker and the players, was it a worthwhile promotion for all involved?
As for myself I tend to generate around 3,000 points per month playing mostly mtt's, though I can be found in the SnG or cash tables from time to time.
To achieve my 3,000 points I put quite a few hours in, playing mostly 2-3 tables at one time.
On the 6th of April I received an email promotion from SkyPoker telling me if I hit 4,600 points that month, I would receive and additional 25% bonus.
By my calculations, this basically meant if I increased my volume by 50% I would receive an extra £16.00, now £16 is not to be sniffed at, but I'm not sure a one off £16 is a big enough carrot to make me want to increase my volume by 50%.
Anyway I was somewhat miffed with SkyPoker that they should offer me a bonus for increasing volume, but wait until the first 5-6 days playing time had passed, it felt like 'yeah we should really offer you something, but we don't really want to give it you'.
Needless to say I hit my usual 3,000 points tally in April and this month I haven't been offered an additional bonus, so everything pretty much stays as it is.
I wonder how many of the high rollers would have gone for the 60,000 points target if they had not been set the target until the 6th day of the month?
Now if Sky's profits rely on players like me increasing their volume on the site and would like to keep my continued loyalty (not a threat, just an observation), how about consdiering:
1) Offering me a loyalty bonus 6 days before the month begins, not 6 days into the month.
2) If achieving 60,000 points in a month justified giving several £1000's of electrical goods to several players, there must be a similar win/win situation for rewarding players further down the ranks for continued loyalty and consistent volumes.
Purely as an example without the scientific calculations........ if a player plays every month and hits 60,000 points over a 12 month period could he recieve one of or a combination of, a 3D TV, an Ipad, a laptop, PC, big super duper monitor, a signed photo of Tikay and Rich or whatever the margins equate to that produces a win/win situation for SkyPoker and players.
Maybe a 12 month period is too long, 6 months might be better, maybe 60,000 points is not the magic number, it's all down to realistic logistics for players and sensible deals for SkyPoker at the end of the day.
This is not meant as a 'moaning post' and hope it doesn't come across like that, I'm well aware of the happy hour promotions which help me achieve my 3,000 points, plus I know there is a loyalty / prioirty club out there somewhere, though to get the most out of the priority club has always felt like something that will benefit the pro's and semi pro high rollers.
All I'm saying is that if at the end of the year, I could say, 'there you go my dear (to my wife), here's an Ipad as a thank you from me and the team at SkyPoker', I'm sure SkyPoker would retain my continued loyalty for the foreseeable future.
If you got this far, thanks for reading!
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An ipad costs what £250 minimum... there are ALOT of players that would reach 60,000 points over 12 months and even 6 months, they'd be giving away probably £250,000+ worth of prizes on top of what they already give. Or if you increase the amount that needs to be earned, then it goes down the route of only proper grinders and high stakes players get it.
In the end, the people paying the most rake get the best rewards (as they should) because they are directly putting ALOT of money into Sky's pocket.
Please don't get hung up on the 60,000 points quote, that was purely an example with no scientific calculations.
Of course SkyPoker should look after all its players, every business has its cream that deserves all the attention it gets and I thought the monthly 60,000 points bonus was a great promotion and I hope it really was a win/win situation for all involved.
Only SkyPoker will know if they were rewarded by increased loyalty from the high rollers or if on the flip side, the pro's just did a hit and run on January and maybe now the dust has settled, there is no change to the volume at the high end?
We don't really need to know this, the people at SkyPoker appear to be quite intelligent enough to analyse it themselves anyway.
But every business has it's bread and butter customers and the more of these the better.
Maybe such a bonus isn't practical for the 'average players' on site, I don't know I was asking the question, if it worked on a grand scale for the high rollers, is there any mileage in doing something on a smaller scale for the players in the next bracket down?
can i get one please?
No, No and NO!
Well we do agree on a couple of things, you didn't really understand the thread and SkyPoker is a business.
I would like to clarify that I don't have a hang up about cash for points, for me it's a bi-product of playing the game I love on a site I enjoy!
My thread was meant more as constructive criticism, in thinking that SkyPoker must think the cash for points are an important part of their package or else they wouldn't go to the trouble of targeting and running additional promotions based on cash for points.
I simply wanted to point out why this particular promotion missed the mark for me and also acknowledge that I thought the 60,000 points promotion was potentially very good and as a customer would always be interested if something on a small scaler might be in touching distance for somebody lower down the pecking order.
Though I would hope the percentage of players falling into 'the more offers players get the more offers players expect' bracket is quite small.
The core business and the reason we are all here is POKER!
However life isn't always that simple and when people are offered choices, you sometimes have to be a little more imaginative to stay ahead of the game.