PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceD_LegendSmall blind £0.05£0.05£11.90shaun09Big blind £0.10£0.15£9.90 Your hole cardsKK Ginge250Fold simonnaturRaise £0.40£0.55£12.28RAYBAN491Fold xxCall £0.40£0.95£6.73D_LegendFold shaun09Fold Flop JA4 simonnaturBet £0.48£1.43£11.80xxCall £0.48£1.91£6.25Turn A simonnaturCheck xxCheck River 8 simonnaturCheck xxCheck simonnaturShowKK xxShowAA xxWinFour Aces£1.76 £8.01
playing a bit of micro - cos i'm running soooo bad atm lol..
"OMG aces", as hands start to tremble wildly.
"OMG a raise too," as heart rate quickens and leg starts to bounce up and down. "I better not raise and scare him off, so I'll call".
FLOP: "Awesome I've got a fricking set of aces now, and he's bet half pot INTO me, but as its a super dry board and I've got nothing to worry about I'll just call in case i scare him off." *shakes lessening cus I'm super strong*
Turn. "HOLY S***, QUADS...... oh darn it he's stopped betting. I can't bet he'll know I have quad aces and fold, so I'll have to check behind".
River: "Oh fricking so unfair he has checked again.. I get quads and he has nothing, so whats the point in betting he wont' call......"...
Showdown.... " **** **** ***** ***** ****** ******* ****** I could have had his whole stack!!!!!!"
nice post kam
Put you on pocket Jokers I guess?