Nah, I think I asked this recently. Would be great to have a Sharkscope for cash but as far as I'm aware there is nothing. I think the best/only way is to make a spreadsheet yourself. I'll send you a copy of mine if you want.
Think Lambert is right Sly (as ever). I have asked on another thread if we could have improved stats in a drop down list where each session you play, be it cash, stt or mtt are shown. As is available on other sites, eg. showing time at table, hands played, total placed in bets, net profit/loss and bonus points earned. I am sure this will be possible once the new system is in place but as yet have had no response either way.
Think Lambert is right Sly (as ever). I have asked on another thread if we could have improved stats in a drop down list where each session you play, be it cash, stt or mtt are shown. As is available on other sites, eg. showing time at table, hands played, total placed in bets, net profit/loss and bonus points earned. I am sure this will be possible once the new system is in place but as yet have had no response either way.