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HU shuffle, level 1. Hero/spew jam river?

edited May 2012 in The Poker Clinic
Opponent is a very solid MTT player on sky and has been for ages now.

I've played with him a few times, and he seems to always show up with the goods at showdown.
Hero calling him would normally end in tears, but he can be taken off hands in the right circumstances.

This is heads up though, so I don't think I can rely on those reads, especially considering his line in this hand.
He's an in-experienced HU player to my knowledge.

It's early doors, but the flop and turn action suggests he's got a 9.

I'm already preparing the river bullet, probably an overbet, to finish the story and convince him I have an ace.

But the river is a bad card, and I can't really rule out him having an ace. He might just have been worried about his kicker, and sees his trips as the green light to go ahead and value bet it.

Is he turning his hand in to a bluff (not consciously) very often? Has he just set it up perfectly for me to fist pump ship the lot? Knowing he can fold?

He will probably know me as a lag winning player at low stakes.
DOHHHHHHH Small blind  10.00 10.00 2880.00
xxxBig blind  20.00 30.00 2090.00
  Your hole cards
  • Q
  • 7
DOHHHHHHH Raise  40.00 70.00 2840.00
xxxCall  30.00 100.00 2060.00
  • A
  • 9
  • 5
xxxBet  50.00 150.00 2010.00
DOHHHHHHH Raise  145.00 295.00 2695.00
xxxCall  95.00 390.00 1915.00
  • 3
DOHHHHHHH Bet  295.00 685.00 2400.00
xxxCall  295.00 980.00 1620.00
  • A
xxxBet  490.00 1470.00 1130.00


  • gracie24gracie24 Member Posts: 227
    edited May 2012
    You are beaten by almost any two cards-easy fold for me.
  • simonnatursimonnatur Member Posts: 330
    edited May 2012
    Kudos to you if you shove and win with Q hi, but dont think its happening. dont think you have any fold equity on river.

    Seems that your hu experience/thinking could easily be working against you versus player who might be inexperienced hu and therefore playing a lot tighter than you expect . I expect his river bet to be pure value 95% of time.

    Basically dont understand putting tourney on the line this early when you should be using your experience/edge over as many hands as possible?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: HU shuffle, level 1. Hero/spew jam river?:
    is it me or u do alot of meta game dohhh or leveling q 7 im just folding pre tbh with ya i know its heads up but its a really bad hand i know your a good heads up player but i think u do complicate yaself at times lol play standard dohhhhhhhhh way and not meta game dnt think of the player u are against play ya normal game :)
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    U know this is a HU game idcu?
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2012
    In reply to IDC

    HU is almost 100% reads in m experiance well some run good too. If you can pick up on your opponents patterns everything becomes so much easier. I guess the same as always but HU its even more important.

    Regards to had, ive spoke to JJ about who the oppo is , once im called on flop i give up.
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited May 2012
    Raising only 90% of your buttons in HU play is too low in my opinion. Q7 is the average hand anyway and is significantly better than 72... More to the point, the button is the biggest weapon in HU play and I don't care what my hand is: when I have the button, I'm raising.

    I can see this going either way. He could certainly have an Ace or better here and be disguising it as a 9 on the flop and turn. On the river, though, he leads for value. That depends on him being a wily player but if he's not then his line, which looks like a 9, could actually be a 9... even then you've got to believe that he's going to lay-down his 9 a large majority of the time and won't feel committed or just station you.
    Probably best just to give this up after he calls your flop raise, though the bet on the turn isn't terrible. On the river I'm not going to shove unless I think I have no edge whatsoever on this opponent in the long-term. It's a little bit gambly to shove the river, really.

    I played one of these HU shuffle thingies the other day and, although it's hardly a large sample size, I'm pretty confident that 3-betting, 4-betting and 5-betting like a monkey pre-flop is the best way to go...
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2012
    My range in HU is based preflop on averages and Q7 is average. Depending on opponent ill nit up or loosen up, so i dnt have a set range, but v an relitive unknown im looking at averages until im sure. V an opponent like this one dohhh is playing im widening my range simply because i know his game. (now that ive saifd tht ill be AA+ v him lol)

    Anyways i think folding Q7 on the BTN consistantly is too nitty.
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited May 2012
    Myeh know what your trying to do and its fine.

    Just boils down to any hand that leads & calls a raise on flop has no reason to fold river (less so even).  Seems to obv be in c/c mode with a wide variety of better hands,
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