Hi, all,
Its not often i put forward a case for someone,but DOLLIE ( Gordon) who is in the Viva Las Vegas Final is without a shadow of doubt one of the nicest and biggest gentleman on the site....I think we all should get behind him,and support him on this monumental achievement...All sorts of offers have flooded in ,suits are being offered,but above all id like to wish him all the best and fingers crossed for his trip to vegas...
If ever there was a good guy who deserves a bit of luck....this is the man...
so Gordon,take it down...
Very Best of Luck for the Final Gordon, you are a Top Bloke & Really Deserve to be in Vegas, Hope you make it m8
If You make it, you can borrow ma Lucki suit!!!
I have to be impartial, & wish everyone good luck.
However, it would be rather neat if Gordon binked the package, because it would make JAKALLY feel better, as he would no longer be the oldest guy on the trip.
(Edited for amusement)
Best of Luck in the final Dollie - Your Deserve It!!