how about turning all games to rebuys so as the people with the biggest bank rolls and the best players always win.
Do this and we can get rid of all the new players, all the fish, and all the poor people.
Then ask the last six people on the site which game they would like to play?
Or turn the 2235 back into a non rebuy so the amatuers when they knock a player out actually see him stay out.
turn the 2235 speed back into a non rebuy tourney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your speeches about what the players want when rebuys were introduced is proving to be spin.
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rebuys are for all in donks. and im sick of em
Snorky has valid complaint regard recent changes and equally valid reason for asking that his games remain Non-Re buy.
His Post is in the correct Thread to receive your attention and it would be common courtesy for you to acknowledge this and for him to receive a reply. Albeit, on here or by PM. Thank you in advance. Hugs Annie xxx