I know sky wanna get as many games over as possible quickly for this but seriously for £5 the blinds are way too fast at 3mins it just ends up more luck than skill in these for that amount, ive final tabled every game ive played bar the last one and was only playing for 20mins blinds were 400/800 and had to go all in with AK so even if you build up a decent amount you still have to play against people that shove and theres no play in it. So the players that get through to the main more than likely got there more through luck. The other sats arnt this quick and they are only £1 so why this one when you pay more.
Dont think ill bother with these anymore as the structure is daft. Not worth the cost just for a quarter final. I think sky know that people wanna play in it more than any other mtt so are goona play it a lot and they prob are gonna make a lot of rake from it at £5 ago and ending so quickly.
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There are quite a few sats with 3 minute blinds, ie the daytime £2.40 sats for £11 Bounty Hunters are the same. Far too fast imo. As I mentioned in my quest diary recently I've completely stopped entering them. Direct buy-in offers much better value in most cases, particularly when you consider that many participants will be unskilled players who've got in via these super-fast sats.
Edit. I wrote this in my diary on the 16th of May;
In future I won't be entering any more £2.40 satellites into daytime £11 Bounty Hunters. I've come to the realisation that due to their super-fast 3 minute structures these are more-or-less luck based shove-fests and any skill edges are negated. If you run on expectation and win a seat 1 time in every 5 you’re effectively doubling the rake and paying £12 to enter an £11 tournament(5 x £2.40 = £12.00). I don’t consider these beatable to the point where I could win a seat for significantly less than £11 over a big sample. I've decided its better value to wait until I can buy into the £11 games directly.
Shove fest , bingo sat for a tourney this size is a disgrace imho.