Hello my name is robbie and the last few months i have played/watched/read more poker then i ever have because i just couldnt stand losing at somthing i was so determined to be good at. I have inproved, but not massively and i still have a lot of leaks i think, the internet is good for hellp- but they tell u what to do....not why u are doing it and how u can apply it urself in the game. I recently asked alot of people for help and they were all very helpful...mostly woogie8688 who allowed me to watch his game while he talked on msn telling me why he was doing stuff and the point of it which massively helped and i was wondering if anyone else would be willing to do that cause i felt it was better then anything else, if u would be open to helping me i would be very greatful, thanks for reading
i can,t help much m8,as i,ve not got msn.
my best advice would be;
decide what game type that most interests you,whether that be cash dym mtt h/u etc.
then once u have made your mind up,...load up some players names that u know of in "find a player" in the lobby.
eg;if u think cash nl4 then find a decent reg 2 watch...TINTIN would be my choice,if he is still playing at nl4,
he may have moved up 2 nl10,not 2 sure.or someone similar,JIMBOE would be another,and just watch what they are doing,when do they raise?how much do they raise?,etc.how do they play there AA or trips,etc.
i,ve done it myself m8,many times,and it really will help you.
anyway,that,s my tip.
gl m8,
yeah ill pm splashies