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Is This the Right fold??

rrickyhuggrrickyhugg Member Posts: 7
edited June 2012 in The Poker Clinic
Jacquesb Small blind  15.00 15.00 2260.00
sammip8508 Big blind  30.00 45.00 2125.00
 Your hole cards
  • 10
  • J
spuds212 Fold     
I_Will Call  30.00 75.00 2170.00
rrickyhugg Raise  90.00 165.00 1896.25
HotBoy447 Fold     
Jacquesb Call  75.00 240.00 2185.00
sammip8508 Fold     
I_Will Call  60.00 300.00 2110.00
  • 10
  • 7
  • 9
Jacquesb Check     
I_Will Check     
rrickyhugg Bet  150.00 450.00 1746.25
Jacquesb Raise  300.00 750.00 1885.00
I_Will Call  300.00 1050.00 1810.00
rrickyhugg Call  150.00 1200.00 1596.25
  • 5
Jacquesb Bet  430.00 1630.00 1455.00
I_Will Call  430.00 2060.00 1380.00
rrickyhugg Fold     
  • K
Jacquesb All-in  1455.00 3515.00 0.00
I_Will Fold     
Jacquesb Muck     
Jacquesb Win  2060.00  2060.00
Jacquesb Return  1455.00
This was a very strange player, I could not put him on any hands at all!! At first, with the re raise on the flop I was thinking maybe a flush draw. Then with the bet on the turn I thought maybe Q 10 or a random 2 pair that he hit defending the big blind? Let me know what you think please!!

P.s This is a re post because I did not mark it as a question and do really want some feedback about it!!
Thanks and sorry


  • KAM99KAM99 Member Posts: 773
    edited June 2012
    Err, either daja vu is kicking in or you posted this same hand for help yesterday. bump it or reply in that rather than make two posts on the same hand maybe?
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited June 2012
    Either overlimp pre (Never open limp, but overlimping, which is limping when someone else has already limped, with certain hands is okay) or raise to 120. 90 isn't big enough.

    If you're going to bet that flop, then we have to bet much bigger. Half pot is horrible, as it's giving people such a good price to call and hit their draw. If someone has an 8 there, or two hearts, they're going to pay much more than 150, they'll probably call 225, 250, or maybe even full pot, so charge them to draw, make them put money in the pot with the worst hand.

    Fold to the minraise. If he's drawing, then the clickback makes no sense, he'd either flat call to try and hit, or raise bigger as a semi-bluff and use fold equity, knowing that he's got decent equity if called. A good player would also check/raise a monster bigger (or donk lead instead of checking) to protect against/extract value from draws, and also because he'd do the same with a semi-bluff, so we know the opponent who minraised the flop here is probably a fish. Fish are generally passive, and his call pre-flop from the small blind would support that. Despite having never seen the villain before, I can work out that he is most likely a passive fish from this one hand.

    A passive fish that takes this line always has either the nuts, or a hand which he thinks is the nuts. Either way, our J10 is definitely crushed here. When faced with that minraise, I'd probably be folding all two pair hands and maybe even hero fold a set of 7s tbh.

    Also don't call the minraise on the flop if you're going to fold when the turn is a brick. If you thought your hand was ahead on the flop, it's still ahead on the turn, because the 5 of spades shouldn't make any difference to anyone's hand. You have to think several moves ahead, like in Chess. 

    Before you call that minraise, you need to already be thinking: 
    "What am I going to if the turn is a brick?"
    "What am I going to if the turn is a 6?"
    "What am I going to if the turn is a 8?"
    "What am I going to if the turn is a heart?"
    "What am I going to if the turn is a jack?"
    "What am I going to if the turn pairs the board?"
  • rrickyhuggrrickyhugg Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Is This the Right fold??:
    Err, either daja vu is kicking in or you posted this same hand for help yesterday. bump it or reply in that rather than make two posts on the same hand maybe?
    Posted by KAM99
    read what I typed please
  • davelufcdavelufc Member Posts: 1,376
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Is This the Right fold??:
    In Response to Re: Is This the Right fold?? : read what I typed please
    Posted by rrickyhugg

    There is an option to edit a post at the bottom, if you want to add/delete anything from your original thread.

    Saves posting same thread twice. Hope this helps.
  • KAM99KAM99 Member Posts: 773
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Is This the Right fold??:
    In Response to Re: Is This the Right fold?? : read what I typed please
    Posted by rrickyhugg
    No problem, just saying. Didn't remeber seeing that PS there before, and as the above post says you can edit your posts. Not to mention you'll normally get feedback anyway regardless of if you put a certain icon for the post, because the poker clinic section is for just that. Sometimes depends more on the topic title, as some go on that to if it interests them to look at etc.

    Anyway, meant no offence. :)
  • rrickyhuggrrickyhugg Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Is This the Right fold??:
    In Response to Re: Is This the Right fold?? : There is an option to edit a post at the bottom, if you want to add/delete anything from your original thread. Saves posting same thread twice. Hope this helps.
    Posted by davelufc
    Thanks but I wanted to mark it as a question or delete it and i didnt know how to do either so just posted again!

    Thanks for the help
  • rrickyhuggrrickyhugg Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Is This the Right fold??:
    In Response to Re: Is This the Right fold?? : No problem, just saying. Didn't remeber seeing that PS there before, and as the above post says you can edit your posts. Not to mention you'll normally get feedback anyway regardless of if you put a certain icon for the post, because the poker clinic section is for just that. Sometimes depends more on the topic title, as some go on that to if it interests them to look at etc. Anyway, meant no offence. :)
    Posted by KAM99
    Thanks, didnt mean to sound rude!

    Thanks for the help !
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