If i dont reach 500 by end of the month do i lose the points or can they be rolled over to next month I persume i lose them ? Posted by DAVEWrc
yeh u lose them but the point u get are added to ur poker point balnace
so say u get 499points (which will pXss me off) u would get 499 added to ur poker points to use on freerols. and come 1st of new month ur c4p are reset to 0.
If i dont reach 500 by end of the month do i lose the points or can they be rolled over to next month
I persume i lose them ?
so say u get 499points (which will pXss me off) u would get 499 added to ur poker points to use on freerols. and come 1st of new month ur c4p are reset to 0.