P.S. Downswings are SICK... I've been on a downswing recently but in the grand scheme of things it's probably a pretty small one. It felt pretty brutal and it would be pretty soul destroying if you were doing this for a living and didn't have a significant safety net behind you. Really you need enough money that you could maintain the exact lifestyle you have now even if you didn't make a penny from poker for at least 6 months.
Like Matt said, even if you get a part time job, e.g 20 hours a week. Then you have plenty of time still to play poker, and will basically have 2 incomes. Then after a year or so, if you are making more at poker than at your job, and you still want to go pro. Feel free.
firstly, thanks you all for your input, im going to give it another 6 months how i am while trying to improve my multi-tabling skills, then if in 6months im still making sustained profit i think il cut my work hours down from my current 50 to maybe 20hours part time and see if i am better or worse off with the extra poker time... as i have already said thanks for all the input i will take it all on board.
firstly, thanks you all for your input, im going to give it another 6 months how i am while trying to improve my multi-tabling skills, then if in 6months im still making sustained profit i think il cut my work hours down from my current 50 to maybe 20hours part time and see if i am better or worse off with the extra poker time... as i have already said thanks for all the input i will take it all on board. cheers Posted by jordz16
good thinking,you want to try and multi-table for 10 hours a day for a month to see what its like too,dedication my friend
I wouldnt go pro unless I had at least six months living expences, a bankroll for the games a wish to grind, A proven track record that I'm beating the games I want to make a living from, the confidence that I am indeed a winning player and a love for the game that will see me througth the hard times and the constant grind etc.
I appreciate your comments Matt and you are a lot more qualified to comment than me. However, one thing you said struck a chord with me. 'Are you happy to grind 10 hours a day, 5 days a week' Now i know it's different playing for fun or playing for bill money, but surely sitting in your house, having breaks when you want and answering to noone is a lot better than having to get out of bed at 7am, run a car to get to work, answer to a snot-nosed boss all day to come home and have only a few hours of 'me' time before climbing into bed, only to count down the hours til the weekend til you're free for 48 hours... Seems a lot of people think it's a chore. I voluntarily multi-table at least 80 hours per week and it's a lot easier than having to work 48 hours a week on a building site to make ends-meet. Although it's only NL4 so i don't make enough money to live off it. Posted by Pipunch
Firstly it isn't as easy as playing when you want. If you don't play then you don't get money and you have to play when the best action is there to make the most profit. If you are playing cash then you can, to some extent, have breaks when you want during a session but if you are playing MTT then you are playing all day given the lengths of tournaments. The other thing to consider is are you happy playing at home for all these hours with no social interaction?
I am not against the life of a poker pro as it can be a great life but I think a lot of people think it is an easy life where you will make lots and play when you want which isn't the case. (Not saying this is you Jordz but is an observation from reading lots of these type of posts).
firstly, thanks you all for your input, im going to give it another 6 months how i am while trying to improve my multi-tabling skills, then if in 6months im still making sustained profit i think il cut my work hours down from my current 50 to maybe 20hours part time and see if i am better or worse off with the extra poker time... as i have already said thanks for all the input i will take it all on board.
I wouldnt go pro unless I had at least six months living expences, a bankroll for the games a wish to grind, A proven track record that I'm beating the games I want to make a living from, the confidence that I am indeed a winning player and a love for the game that will see me througth the hard times and the constant grind etc.
I am not against the life of a poker pro as it can be a great life but I think a lot of people think it is an easy life where you will make lots and play when you want which isn't the case. (Not saying this is you Jordz but is an observation from reading lots of these type of posts).