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bazzer61bazzer61 Member Posts: 404
edited June 2012 in Sports & Betting Chat
Watched Ascot yesterday(Friday),the pundits were trying to make a case for something to beat Black Caviar.
Are they serious ???
Only thing I can see causing a problem is the going -Good-Soft in the Uk is vastly different to Australia.
As one pundit said-no way could she run 57.5 seconds for 5 furlongs(1000 meters) on Uk Soft ground.
However,still don't to see her beaten,you don't see this kind of horse very often.


  • Curt360x27Curt360x27 Member Posts: 490
    edited June 2012

    Agreed she is the best horse in the race by a country mile. However Ive had a bet on her not to win at 3/1.
    You must be of your rocker to even think about backing her at odds of 1/5. This is the first time she will be racing outside of Australia. As you already stated the ground would be a concern with our decleration of the ground being very different compared to down under. Also the long distance she has flown may have had an affect on the horse. Peter moody has stated she's coped well but he would say that all trainers do. To add to the doubt I have, we all remember when So You Think came over and flopped and has been no where near the frankel-esc world beater he was billed as. Don't get me wrong I think he's a qaulity horse one of my favourites because he'll always put in a solid performance but nothing special.

    Having said that she will probably win by 2+ lengths under hands and heals easing down lol. However at odds of 1/5 im happy to lay.

  • ms-treems-tree Member Posts: 889
    edited June 2012

    Happy to see horse run over here at last, but odds of 1/5 (makes it a watching breif, to see how others run agaist her).

    i wouldn't back at them odds for same reason CURT gives, that the horse has had to travel a long way to totally different surroundings.  FRANKEL is not running in USA because of same reason!!!!! 

    Hope she wins but 1/5fav very tight indeeed.

    gl if having a bet in race.

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,631
    edited June 2012
    @ Baz - saw a prog about BC a while back when it was known that it was coming over.  The only bit I remember is they said they were NOT looking forward to the British Summer.  On that basis I'be layed it at 3/1 and gone for Krypton Factor as a GOOD e/w bet @28/1.
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,403
    edited June 2012

    I have a feeling Krypton Factor will hate the ground as much as Black Caviar but good luck anyway
  • BELL_POKERBELL_POKER Member Posts: 1,295
    edited June 2012
    like the cheka in the without market. we wont see a frankel-esque demolition job today but black caviar to win by 1 1/4 lengths in her stride
  • BELL_POKERBELL_POKER Member Posts: 1,295
    edited June 2012

    judging by look of trainers face the jockeys gonna get a clip round the ear later! ridiculous how he eased her down. she had plenty of running left in her.

  • Curt360x27Curt360x27 Member Posts: 490
    edited June 2012
    lol. lucky lucky man. Wouldn't want to be luke nolen right now I think he's in for one **** of an ear full.
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,403
    edited June 2012

    or major idiot

    I'll leave you to decide
  • BELL_POKERBELL_POKER Member Posts: 1,295
    edited June 2012
    most definately the latter. from the head on angle add in another major then multiply by 27
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,403
    edited June 2012
  • ms-treems-tree Member Posts: 889
    edited June 2012
    i thought jockey gave great ride on horse, as went very quick up front in which BLACK CAVAIR tracked all the way, then asked and went. OK jockey was silly to think had in bag (but did win, and same could be said about last years DERBY jockey, throwing arms in air 50yrds from line on winner). Also if rode out to line would of won by alot further.

    Hope to see BLACK CAVIAR over here again but doubt it now, as goodwood only target she could go for but trainer doesn't like idea of running on uneven course like goodwood. 

    All in all good horse but still have doubts, as wasn't the greatest of group 1's, also needs more races away from AUSTRALIA to prove to me that she is the worldbeater that everyone think she is.

    gl all if having footie bets tonight, and com'on ENGLAND
  • BELL_POKERBELL_POKER Member Posts: 1,295
    edited June 2012
    when young barzelona threw arms up in air on Pour Moi it was a showing of pure exuberance, a young man with no fear and so much confidence in his own, maybe more so than the horses ability and was a joy to see and behold.

    luke nolan had a look of sheer panic on his face and had to start riding vigorously again last couple of yards having stopped almost dead which is unforgivable and a human error.

    one jockey was in control of situation and one was most deifnately not, actually felt sorry for the chap that he didnt look like was enjoying the prize givng etc after the race and had himself admitted total blame on reason why the winning wasnt as smooth as should have been.
  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited June 2012
    Black Caviar will be the most talked about horse for generations!
    We'll never know how good she really was!
    but despite the jockey error she beat all the opposition and up until the final yards looked a class act!
    Personally I believe Frankel is the true champion but any horse unbeaten in 22 races does not deserve anything but praise!
    Black Caviar retire with honour!
  • andybuckandybuck Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2012
  • andybuckandybuck Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2012
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,403
    edited June 2012
    ms-trtee no doubt the horse is good, however the jockey was poor
  • bazzer61bazzer61 Member Posts: 404
    edited June 2012
    I've seen on teletext that she injured some back muscles during the race,so despite Luke Nolen's near f**** up, and going she was not used to'she's played a blinder to win this.
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