But assuming you are talking a 6 seater tourney online & VPIP (not when checked to BB) obviously the figures will vary as to the % depending on numer of BB's, & is it a full table? .
At the start I would suggest I play about 10 - 12% max of hands, but sometimes can be a lot less.
Towards the end that figure can rise to about 33% obviously table, tournament status & BB dependent.
But generally I am very Tight early & fairly LAG in latter stages.
To be fair, the actual number of hands you play is always gonna vary dependent on what hands you get dealt and how aggressive/tight your opponents are. For instance, I played the Orfordable DS last night for the first time ever and I'm not joking, after about 2 hours, I still had the 5k starting stack and had literally played I think 4 or 5 hands the whole game.
Sometimes you don't pick up hands, or sometimes everytime you do get a half decent hand there's been a 3x and a 3bet in front of you. Conversely sometimes it's just folded round to you, hand after hand and you can start playing more.
I'd focus more on what range of hands you're playing. When it's 6-max (so on Sky) for instance, in the first few levels of a deepstack, I'll be opening (assuming I'm first into the pot) something along the lines of 22-AA, AT+ (suited or unsuited), KQ, all suited connectors probably 56s upwards. Obviously, part of this range I will 3bet an opener, some I won't
It is good to pay attention to how people will see you, like you might be a super tight player, but if they see you're constantly opening pots for the first level or 2, it's irrelevant that you are actually a tight player and have just had a really good run of cards and every hand you've opened has been AQ+ or JJ+, doesn't matter...from their point of view, they just see you opening all the time and are gonna assume you haven't always got it.
But again what hands you wanna play all depends on how confident you are post-flop.
Try and concentrate on adapting to how many you're playing depending on how your table is playing.
Sometimes you don't pick up hands, or sometimes everytime you do get a half decent hand there's been a 3x and a 3bet in front of you. Conversely sometimes it's just folded round to you, hand after hand and you can start playing more.
I'd focus more on what range of hands you're playing. When it's 6-max (so on Sky) for instance, in the first few levels of a deepstack, I'll be opening (assuming I'm first into the pot) something along the lines of 22-AA, AT+ (suited or unsuited), KQ, all suited connectors probably 56s upwards. Obviously, part of this range I will 3bet an opener, some I won't
It is good to pay attention to how people will see you, like you might be a super tight player, but if they see you're constantly opening pots for the first level or 2, it's irrelevant that you are actually a tight player and have just had a really good run of cards and every hand you've opened has been AQ+ or JJ+, doesn't matter...from their point of view, they just see you opening all the time and are gonna assume you haven't always got it.
But again what hands you wanna play all depends on how confident you are post-flop.