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6;15 Deepstack

midge8080midge8080 Member Posts: 32
edited November 2009 in Poker Chat
Hi friends delighted to share my biggest tournament win so far, all £9 in the 6;15 deepstack, I really enjoyed it tonight as it was a little different to the deepstacks that I've played in so far.

Players like TENOFSPADE would have cleaned this one out it was untrue, 3 players went out fairly early on then I was left with about 4000 chips vs the last 2 that had 12000 each or thereabouts

Anyway these were simply playing every hand and never folded once I was amazed and got to a point where I was frightened to bet simply because I knew that whatever I had they'd find a way past it, I even had AA at one point and raised correctly only for player X to call repeatedly and take the hand with 3 of a kind 3s.

Anyway I decided I had enough to make it to the hour 5 minute break and after it started to dawn on me that I could play these two aswell as let themselves play each other out of the tournament, I managed to build my stack back up to within 3000 chips of the leader and then it happened, they both went all in on each other and one of them went out, meaning that plan A had worked a treat and I knew now that I could win against the player that was left.

By now I was chip leader for the first and only time in the tourny, and decided now was the time to play the aggressive heads up style that I've picked up from Tikay and the crew on 865 and in the end it came home for me so as you can probably tell from this post I'm very pleased with my game this evening, and have even more faith in the patient style that I use.

Anyway thats all for now, I'm off to lose it no doubt in the next tournament


  • BADBOY985BADBOY985 Member Posts: 1,957
    edited November 2009
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited November 2009
    well done midge,

     a first of many i hope for you,

    don't forget what won it for you .
    edited November 2009

    congrats on your win m8 ,nice chatting to you as well ,just like everyone to know, midge has only been playing poker for a few weeks ,so thats a fantastic result .............hope theres many more wins for you ,nice m8 ten

  • midge8080midge8080 Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2009
    LOL just surrendered £3 back in a Sit and Go, those small chip stacks don't benefit me at all, cheers once again for the nice messages guys, I am so looking forward to meeting up one day and maybe playing live
  • midge8080midge8080 Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2009
    BTW TEN you are a top guy aswell a real player, if i can do half as well as you've done I'll be delighted
  • PILLOWMANPILLOWMAN Member Posts: 1,165
    edited November 2009
  • BuistyboyBuistyboy Member Posts: 408
    edited November 2009
    Hi Midge

    Congratulations on your win earlier this evening.  I can tell from reading your post how excited you are about it, and that is the beauty of poker.  Havent had a win myself, so hopefully i can emulate your result sometime soon.

  • midge8080midge8080 Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2009
    LOL cheers Ray, I think that buzz of winning grips anybody at times
  • apollo_11apollo_11 Member Posts: 969
    edited November 2009
    Well done Midge. The first one is always the hardest. It is a great feeling to win and I am sure there will be many more.
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited November 2009
    ahhh if only i could  remember what it was like to win lol

    congrats and if you have only been playing a short while then im sure this win has cemented the poker bug in you. Keep playing  your game, making good decisions and don't worry about the outcome, only that you made the right decision (it is nice when the Gods reward such good decisions though lol)
  • jamesbozjamesboz Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2009
    Congratulations on your win midge!

    I can only imagine the thrill of winning a tournament for a decent amount of money! (for me anyway!)
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,411
    edited November 2009
    Well done Midge,

    The same thing happened to me 23.15 last night.

    Now going back for another try 
  • Any2SuitedAny2Suited Member Posts: 1,240
    edited November 2009
    well done  keep doing the same and it sounds like you'll do fine.
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