This is one guy who I can never seem to dropkick out of tournaments when he's low stacked (SPT Blackpool I had 10+ outs and he survived lol), he always gets that little bit of luck but fair play to him probably will always be one of my jinx players.
Nice to see him win a big event, a great guy and very well deserved.
Thanks everyone for posting and to all who stayed up to rail, i really appreciate it, and it's that sort of support that is unique to Sky Poker! TKP were firmly behind me last night, as were many others like Mr Dyer. This year has been a great one so far poker-wise and I hope it can continue, but i will understand if it doesnt.. i dont expect it to, any mtt win/cash is a bonus. I play for fun and have a giggle, that's what it's about. Still got some major life stuff to sort, but the binks in poker are a nice distraction.. Lol at yoyo, ill buy u a beer at dtd thats about 5 dollar innit. In fact, anyone who has posted on this thread, who is going to dtd, gets a free drink from me, just come hunt me down... Those that aren't going, sorry, tough Thanks again Greg Posted by GREGHOGG
Well, I think u've just twisted my arm into buying-in direct lol.
280 players x £3.50 a drink that works out at £980 quid so could be quite pricey or is your plan to get everyone playing drunk and win the spt sober or are you going to give everyone a free coke which is free anyways lol
Well played greg!!!!!!!
Nice cash greg, vwp.hope theres more to come.
Might see you on a FT if i stop drinking lolzzz,
Will be great to meet u in person anyway.
Well done Hoggers
The free drink is water obv
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Thanks for all for your kind comments... and wp to Solack for a great win last night in the BH