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This may be another of my posts that gets criticism.... goes...
Sometimes i play a session n sky withold my winnings to check to see if everything is in order.....(everything has been son far)
As a mid/mid-low stakes cash player, sometimes i start a session playing micro stackes, just to get my brain going and to make sure i dnt make any rash mistakes early on that will cost me a buy in (50 quid). if i make a mistake its a fiver or a tenner, easier to take n move on from. lol
However I have a mate who plays on sky poker just recently, i introduced him, who plays low stakes all the time. If he is low in his account, is it uncacceptable for me to take him on HEADS UP cash table n donk a tenner off to him? would this be classed as chip dumping?
Just want clarification on the rules before I make another daft mistake.
Thanx, JJ (DOHH)
Sky Poker runs anti collusion software, and it is sensative, I have a feeling it would probably pick this up, the question has been asked before, but it is still a good question imo and deserves an answer.
Hope this helps
lol cheers for answering barry, much appreciated.
So it sounds like im best off steering cleer of that option then...Especially as when im playing early on in the session as i mentioned I like to have half hour playing against him. Also in sessions sometimes i suck out on players, or also in tournys if i suck out bad and nok em out, i say to em if i go on to cash/win big, ill search ya n donk u bak off ya buy in in a cash game.
no thoughts of collusion or anything, just a nice gesture. Didnt mean to be repetative, new to the forum, again, reply very much appreciated.
P.S. if anyone wud like to refund my past tourny losses, email me at
Enjoyed the high stakes rumble last night
If you're playing a H2H with him I personally see nothing wrong, except..............The site has to be careful of the money laundering guidlines so could be a problem.
You will get banned quicker than anything else on the site for it.
I think it would be safer to send the £10 to his bank account (if he's a friend) and let him deposit that into his Sky account.
If you do what you suggest, you WILL get caught by the anti-collusion software &/or Fraud Team, & your Account WILL be frozen, & your winnings WILL be with-held. It is wholly improper.
Several genuinely innocent such examples HAVE occurred, & it was nightmate to sort out. Those who were innocently involved will not Post on here, but it was a nightmare, really, & I got involved in trying to help sort it out, as did Rich Orford. I don't want to go there again, it was a lot of time & work, & the guys were fortunate it got sorted out.
Chip-dumping & Multi-Accounting are the two unforgiveables of Online Poker - everyone who does it becomes despised by all.
Don't go there! Ever. Ever ever ever.
Unfortunately, sky have asked us not to divulge our email on the forum as it can lead to spamming, this is only a suggestion, if one of the mods see your email they will more than likely remove it, hope you dont mind this
Just don't do that sort of thing ever, no matter what your motive is.
Nooooo the email was a joke one, and the enquiry was exactly that! Never thought it wud be so serious, a tenner to a mate whom i play completely different games to? i know its more the principal rather than the specific amount that wud be fround upon...but still. Well rules are rules, thank god i thought before i acted this
Thanx all, when i make a 2 outer on u in the future n go on to win the tourny, its just tuff!
all his mates wanted sky to do a £8k freeroll with it !!!!!!!
Sky soon stopped that idea before it happened.
i was talking to a player at the spt event who had their account closed and i'm sure it must of been a pain to sort out...
Some Sites do have a Cash-Transfer facility.
I hope Sky Poker never takes that route, though. It leads to all manner of problems, with Fraud, Grimmers galore, players begging for money to buy-in to Tourneys, ugh.
On the world's biggest Site - a very fine Site too - the incidence of almost non-stop begging in the Chat-Boxes is a nightmare, the place attracts scroungers & grimmers simply because it has a Cash-Transfer Facility.