Starting August 2nd, the 184-day prop bet kicks off, in which Smitalos will try and make as much as possible at the Sky Poker tables. Playing only cash games, the goal is simple, earn 100k, in 6 months (inc. C4P).
Odds on the bet are disclosed and have been agreed upon beforehand by the players.
Weekly updates along with monthly results will be available on Carlos Smitalos's blog ('A Poker Pipedream') as well as in this thread to track his progress in the bet.
Buy-out clauses are available at any time subject to both parties agreement on said terms.
Proof of Smitalos's current bankroll has been submitted and accepted by both teams, which at Aug 2nd 00:00am, stands on £7000. Any money depositted or withdrawn within the 6 month period will be posted in this thread, as well as a recording of the 'Transaction History' located within the Cashier, when the bet comes to a close.
Copious amounts of punish have been pre-ordered by Smitalos ready for the upcoming grindathon, with a long-term goal of sending many a Team Sky Poker member busto over the next 6 months. It's even been said in some languages, 'Smitalos' can be roughly translated to mean, "Mr Robusto Virtuoso" or "The Punish King".
It seems however there is unfinished business along many Sky regs, most notably fan favourite LOL_raise. Rumours have been circulating that the contraversial young-gun Smitalos has some extra-strong punish stored for LOL, and eager to prove he's here for the long-run by publicly declaring that he wants to send him busto and then, "cash-out on t*tties". Only time will tell.
Joking aside, good luck guys. If i lose, it's to the nicest/most popular guys on the site, and i'm just happy to compete alongside you.
Let the prop bet commence.
(3rd time lucky, guys!)
Twitter -
Once again best of luck
How many C4P are you aiming for each month?
VGL BTW love to see sim and sam pay out!
I don't understand this betting lingo lol, the swing for the bet being 12k, will they be giving you 4k each if you win, and you be giving them 4k each if you lose?
good luck with your challenge bud,nice to see the rivalry on here,if the threads locked i'll follow the progress on twitter anyways.
loving the guts you've got
I think it's impossible to make £555 (average) per day on a consistent basis.
I won't ask in cash value (cause it's probably rude) but how many buy-in's on average do you make per week usually Smitalos? Like mentioned above, do you have any reason/history to believe you can actually pull this off comfortably?
Also tried to rail you the last two days and noticed you've not even been online!
You do look solid though and i hope you do it cause it'd be suck. Good luck!
Love the blog and vlog btw..keep em coming!!