Hi there, if you read this Chris im just wondering how much you charge for your online coaching sessions as i want to improve as a player and have been told you do online coaching mate.
nothing against coxy who is a very very good player very very surprised that sky are happy to allow a thread like this to remain though tbh Posted by bugaloo
Hi Bugaloo
Nothng has been on this site other than someone trying to get in touch with Chris to discuss the coaching services he offers.
Chris has not advertised on the site and has never saught to seek financial gain through Sky. I had started a series of Blogs about my online experience with Chris coaching me. In fact, as far as I believe Chris has never even posted on this site that he does do coaching. That's all down to me I'm afraid:o)
Maca, I'm sure you've got the info you need to get in touch with Chris, however if you need anymore info drop me a PM.
As I think this thread has acheved what it set out to do I shall close it now.