In Response to Re: ****SPT FINAL***** The Road to DTD - LIST OF ALL TEAM MEMBERS ATTENDING SPT NOTTINGHAM**** : Yeppppppp ..... Altho only girl on our team boo hoo .. Ladette for the weekend !!x Posted by minxymoo
Worry not Princess.. there are plenny ladies going from the other teams that will keep an eye out for you!!!
SamDrunk from TKP, Gembot from the lag ends and Lisarrrrrrrrrrrrr x 1 mirrion from the Squaddies just to name a few..
Ok sorry if I dont post I will bust I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited lol leaving in the morning for long drive down good luck all and safe journeys
Welcome to the party Diamonds!!
117 seats left
Team Diamond.