I voted for 10% to get paid although I also like th idea of the top 20 getting £50 each. The only reason I didn't vote for that is because you can't beat the thrill of taking down a tourney for the biggest payout.
was torn between the top 10 and top 20 so i voted top 20 as £50 would still be a nice amount for a freeroll and 250 runners top 20 is a good effort to get there. Love this idea and seems like a real fair and good chance to cash for a nice amount. Especialy low stakes players where they are trying to build a br and £50 is a nice start towards it. Would like to see a few more tornys with even top 10 and 20 payouts rather than the low end freerolls where you only get a few pence for getting really far. I would even like to see this on the odd payed for mtts too.
i like the idea of top ten sharing but there is a thrill in winning first place. some of the lower place payouts are less than the cost of the buy in and i find this to be verging on the insulting. i would rather in those cases that less people get paid out. there is no thrill to cashing for peanuts for me but i realise that there may be a few folks are pleased to win any size of prize. i will vote for the top ten percent normal structure because the lower prizes will be more substantial than the top twenty percent and it gives more incentive to take first place (very satisfying lol).
I voted 10% standard tho!
I voted for Top 20 players get £50 each
onwards and upwards :-)
On wards and upwards!