never played live poker in a casino but was playing in a pub tournament and this is what happend,
the cards were dealt out and one player said yes got pocket kings, anyway one guy called him down to river and he turned over the kings,
an hour or so later he does the same thing, announces he has kings and again the non believer donates more chips to him,
he repeats this again later on to a different player but gets caught out as he doesnt have them this time,
sometime later he again announces he has kings again, i raise the button with ak and he jams all in from bb, i lay it down and pay him 500 chips to see his cards, he has kings again the jammy fxxx. lol
this guy really tilted me cos he commented on 80% of his starting hands, sometimes he was lying but quite often he was telling the truth so i never really new were i was with him!!!
is he allowed to do this or is it against the rules???
The casino, however, will have a set of house rules that should be viewable, I doubt a pub will do this.
A general casino rule will forbid you talking about a hand whilst a hand is in play and most of the time the hand will be ruled dead if you talk about it
Some casino's interpret this as if you are telling the truth your hand would be dead but not if you are lying, silly I know but you see very inconsistent rulings across casino chains
In summary I would say he is not breaking any rules but his actions are very poor etiquette and any good floor manager would warn him and penalise him for talking about a hand.
Also you are not allowed to fold and then pay 500 chips to see his cards, that is chip dumping and I would expect you both to be expelled from the game for that, you pay the bet to see the cards or you arrange privately away from the table for a monetary value but you can't pay 500 in game chips to see!
Sounds a pretty shoddy pub game, my advice is to play in a casino