I'm so looking forward to these shows. Simon gave some pointers on bubble play in MTT's last time. It was so inciteful that i've still got the notes i made. Carlo always makes me smile and i love the banter you get into together...great stuff. Hope to play at DTD nottingham one day...best poker venue in Britain i've heard. However, i'm sorry Simon but i guess people may say you remind them of Dean McGrath. Who is this you may ask....well its Uncle Fester of course from The Addams Family. Maybe a younger version though...mind a folically challenged Robert De Nero comes to mind too.
In Response to Re: Tuesday Night Live on Sky Poker TV Ch 861 with Rich, Carlo and special guest Simon Trumper : Now, now Shaun. That's a little harsh...on the goblin. Posted by RICHORFORD
Carlo's pitched up and has been regaling me with some very funny stories involving himself and Simon Trumper which I will be sure to bring up on tonight's show!
We need your hand i.d.s for us to cover the cards and show to Simon. Remember, we can just pick random hands from the 6K Open, but we'd prefer them to be hands you've specifically asked for.
Also, if you have a question attached to it all the better e.g. should I have bet more on the turn, should I have folded on the river etc?
And finally, keep those Sky Poker lookalikes coming in- presenters/analysts/site players and of course Simon Trumper. If you're a bit of a whiz on Photoshop or you can cut and paste some photos on to an email and send it to skyopen@bskyb.com then we should be able to show your handiwork!
In Response to Re: Tuesday Night Live on Sky Poker TV Ch 861 with Rich, Carlo and special guest Simon Trumper : Mate, can you email these instead? Cheers skyopen@bskyb.com Posted by RICHORFORD
Done! It's the second email i sent, as i've added lookalikes!
Sarah Shahi does a great Anna Fowler lookalike IMO Carlo does resemble the vicar from the D ick Emery shows If they remake Harry Potter I can see Ryan having a great chance being cast as Hagrid! and I could see Rich Orford as the kid in the persil adverts with his shirt hanging out. (still looking smarter than Tikay I must add) So far as Simon Trumper goes I'm torn between Bruce Forsyth in the top photo (Well he certainly knows how to play his cards right!) and the bottom photo is probably what Morph looked like when he escaped from Vision On. But serious answer is of course Robert De niro Have a great show!
I'm so looking forward to these shows. Simon gave some pointers on bubble play in MTT's last time. It was so inciteful that i've still got the notes i made. Carlo always makes me smile and i love the banter you get into together...great stuff. Hope to play at DTD nottingham one day...best poker venue in Britain i've heard.
However, i'm sorry Simon but i guess people may say you remind them of Dean McGrath. Who is this you may ask....well its Uncle Fester of course from The Addams Family. Maybe a younger version though...mind a folically challenged Robert De Nero comes to mind too.
Carlo does resemble the vicar from the D ick Emery shows
If they remake Harry Potter I can see Ryan having a great chance being cast as Hagrid!
and I could see Rich Orford as the kid in the persil adverts with his shirt hanging out. (still looking smarter than Tikay I must add)
So far as Simon Trumper goes I'm torn between Bruce Forsyth in the top photo (Well he certainly knows how to play his cards right!)
and the bottom photo is probably what Morph looked like when he escaped from Vision On.
But serious answer is of course Robert De niro
Have a great show!
I've been hoyed out of The Continental so Herr Schwarzenegger is in canny company.