Tonight i have donked out of the main, mini and roler, played several dyms and a bit of cash but no points have added to my account, has this happened to anybody else? what is the solution please?
I've heard Devonfish saying on his diary that this has been happening to him. Definitely contact Customer Care to tell them abuot it because they know the problem exists, and I'm sure you'll get your points if you speak to them. Not long to go before the end of the month too so get it done.
I've noticed the same thing, especially yesterday. I believe I am owed several C4P from several DYM games I played yesterday. Trouble is I didn't take note of the number of points I started the day with, and some of the games I did get points. Short of going through a whole months account history and adding up all the points is there a way to be sure the amount I have is correct or not?
Yes same with me no points were added from the £110 sky roller tonight i dont know if the £33bounty hunter was added but definately not the sky roller. I have been keeping track of this closely as im currentely on 19207 points and im looking to get to 20k by tomorrow night.
We'll look into this and make sure if there's a problem, it's sorted.
We'll update in the morning.
Sky Poker
Short of going through a whole months account history and adding up all the points is there a way to be sure the amount I have is correct or not?
how often does this happen when i am not paying attention?
onwards and upwards :-)
This has been fixed and updated now, your points should show correctly.
If you have any further queries, please contact customer care.
Thank you.
points now added