We all have our faults while playing poker but we really should not want others to know what we believe our faults are so here is a poll to find out what you think is needed to improve your game!
I went for more concentration. Plenty on there which could apply to me but after upping my tables I have realised how I could let my focus drift from time to time. Can't afford to do that now and just trying to bet my way out of trouble after forgetting how the hand went doesn't work as well as it used to.
Loads apply to me but I went for more discipline, so many times I'll lose a big pot because of a split second knee-jerk reaction, and regret it instantly, when sometimes I need to just take a second, breath and let the pot go before I lose the lot.
Self discipline - sometimes I play winning sessions for too long and give some back at the end. Other times I play losing sessions too long and lose a little bit more! Heck, I like playing poker...
Ok tell the truth its a list of all my faults but just page 1 of 6!
I also have exactly the same problem you talked about Tommy where I have been playing too many tables and not getting my concertration right. I am finding I am letting myself badly down esp when I am multi between cash and MTT.
If you do find a good way of sorting this out Tommy and you ever feel generious to let me know how you tackle it I would love to hear if on a forum or pm. I think Tommy we have been in a few pots where it has worried me because I have thought oh no he is doing what I am neither of us have anything neither of our stories are right and we end up spending too much on a flop.
The other one I would add is that I have a major problem of beliving I have the abality deep down somewhere and get frustrated as I know I should play a lot better then I have this year, knowing I have played some of my worst poker in years so I also vote that I beat myself up too much about my bad play.
All of the above.
put less limping but could have been more agressive really
Discipline and patience
More limping ftw.