Turns out I'm rubbish at it..
But in a bid to learn this fine art and get a bit more game for my time..I have rather clevery entered the Open as well as the Orfordable DS.
This being the case I may have to miniview one or the other after 8pm. So just incase any of you fine folk do me the honour of popping over to say hello and I seem to ignore you.. I'd just like to explain that this is not the case!!
Unless you are on team Orford..and then it probably is

Good luck all xx
Good luck tonight.........even if u are a tikayite
Now if you want to be Orfsome at poker then you know where to come ..
Realize your potential, you could be orfully good if you wanted to be ;-)
Don't make the same mistake I did last night and click on the wrong button on the wrong table.
Cost me my tournament life last night when I was going well in 4th place.
Thanks Apollo!
I have a feeling it could all go HORRIBLY wrong!! Baptism of fire and all that!
I have enough issues with the betting buttons on one table!
That would have sorted my problem, but I was chatting on both tables and had them both on full view.
p.s. nothing personal meant im just with team orford :P
That's fighting talk!!
i'm rubbish at multi-tabling though,i find it hard to get reads and my play just becomes robotic.
Tell me about it Namesbond.
I MUST stop believing that ALL women can multi task!!
Plus I love sci-fi and fig rolls. I'm clearly not a normal women. The Multi tasking rule must not apply!