In Response to Re: Worst turn card : Yes of course or I wount bother posting here. Just only person who has clearly explained why they would check is huuuuuuuuuuuume. You say you check to keep worse hands in but seem to be missing the point that these worse hands could hit. The only wose hand i want to hit is a J as the ten has already hit and A,K would put me behind. £7 is a nice pot to take if he decideds to fold, also u assume that everyone c-bets? Also some people say i should bet so confusing me.... Posted by sighcall
huh? I was talking to donk.. as in IDCU. I haven't explained myself? lol ok. a villain 3bets pre flop, we flat with qq, this is a passive line and since youve taken this line you must be v.wary of what he's 3 betting with, if not, you shouldve 4b imo. On the flop he checks a dry flop, now what's he checking that with? First, lets think of his 3b range.. AK/AQ/ perhaps AJ/ KK/AA/QQ/JJ/1010 maybe hands like JQ/J10/Q10 ... ok. So a dry flop, I think like 10 10 6 or w.e... villain checks. What's he checking with? Surely he'd cbet out of position if he's missed to try and take the pot down? checking oop with a hand that misses is pretty bad imo and is unlikely, perhaps AK/AQ but still, I think it's a cbet. More than likely I think he's checking 1010/AA. once he does check and its on you, youre betting aimlessly because you have no idea where youre at. Unknown villain has just checked on a super dry board. Check for pot control and to see what he does on the turn. If you check and villain leads the turn I then flat the turn. As played you bet too big, you built the pot unnecesserily and ouve made it harder to fold your hand. What do you do if villain raises you? What do you do if villain sticks around on the turn? I think I more than explained myself in earlier posts. and just to say again I was referring to IDCU when I said donk because it's in his name and is what I call him, nothing offensive to anybody. Posted by percival09
Thourght u were calling me a donk, lol. I understand what you are saying. Basically that betting achives nothing as only better hands call/rasise.
My thourghts are that 4-Betting pre means that lots of hands will fold. Basically anything except AA,KK,AK. If I 4_bet and he shoves I think it is a really hard fold and all that I am liking is a fold to collect £3 or a call to hope I dont see an A or K.
My bet on the flop is for value. By not 4-betting pre-flop I keep all pairs of tens etc JJ in his range. Now if I bet and he shoves I either loose full stack as he has AA,KK - which I would have done by 4 betting pre. Although now he could shove with any ten or JJ and instead of winning £3 pre flop from these hands I now win his ful stack. The only hadn that beats me now that I had beat pre is 1010 which is unlikely.
Also not accounting for the ties he calls with oerpairs or makes bluff shoves thinking Im betting as a bluff.
haha no. I wouldn't do that, unless you were one, ofc.
Yeah I understand your thoughts pre, but I'm not sure if it's the right line.. I know you think you were playing tight so if you 4b it narrows down your range too much, but you havent posted much about villain so he might be awful and might not have been paying attention to you at all. But I do understand your thoughts, but still think checking is best for the reasons above. But betting isnt the worst play at all, I'm just explaining what I'd do and why