Never make the same mistake twice, make it 1000s of times to allow for varience.
Raise big under the gun with any two cards because the other players wont be expexting it!
Always call a big raise with a rag ace! As they could well have AK and if you hit two pair you will win a big pot also you also win just hitting your ace if they have Kings, Queens or Jacks!
Always play the hand straight after you win a pot to play the rush.
Never C-Bet a board with a ten on it, people always play hands with a ten in them
in live play you are always out of position on the dealer. so when raising with top pair be very cautious as the dealer has up to 40 cards in his hand so will probably already have quads.
Always chase gut-shots because when you hit it your villian will not be able to put you on it.