Today is Tikay's 65th birthday. On Saturday at the SPT in Nottingham, he was presented with a couple of caricatures and some souvenir playing cards to mark the occassion. They were presented on behalf of all the SPT players and Sky community. Attendees in Nottingham were invited to contribute towards the cost, which they did, and we ended up with excess funds. These excess funds (£65) will be donated to charity, split equally between the designated charites of AceBarry and Drangonfli, members of the community who sadly are no longer with us.
So have a good day Tikay, I know you will be pleased that somebody else has benefited from your coming of age.
PS Can anybody with greater technical skill than me find me the links to the 2 charities? Thanks.
PPS I will try and get the "Pics" on this thread.
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Hope Sky have put a 'Birthday Bonus' into your account
happy birthday're so well thoght of by the people who matter most......
...Socrates said "Live life as play"....i'm sure you'll do that ...
i'll put in a good word for you regarding your 'birthday bonus'
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Spornybol wants to wish you a Happy Birthday too
Many happy returns. Even though I have no idea what a return is in this context. Lots of them anyway.
Nice little bonus cashing in the grand final on your birthday weekend..ish.