Does anybody know how long you can sit out at a cash table before it kicks you off? I didn't want to start a whole thread on this but I couldn't find an answer.
Also, just a suggestion, I think it'd be good if the mini tonight could be like a £2.20 rebuy or something considering the main is a rebuy.
I was about to ask the same question!
I know it was increased not long back but I can't remember what to.
Also the question regarding making the mini a rebuy was answered a while back aswell.
Pretty sure they said seeing as it's a low budget MTT they wanted to keep the costs down with no rebuys.
CHANGES - Cash Table Sit-Out Period
First: 20/5/2009
Last: 21/9/2012
This has been changed, it is now FIFTEEN hands.
Many of the regular grinders found that on long sessions, if they needed a quick convenience break, or go make a cup of tea, found themselves "thrown off" the Table mid-session, & their Seat gets taken by next on the Waiting List.
There are pros & cons to this, & it needed careful thought, but on balance, it is believed to be the correct decision.