Lunch time session done got to be honest played one or two games outside of my roll but I think at this stage in the game with very little to lose I think the reward outweighed the risk and I'm now at a position where I can stick to BRM as much as possible and start building on what I have.
Going to play a session this evening mainly £0.55 HU turbocharged games and the usual free rolls and hopefully get a decent cash in one of them.
Mixed evening last night and a massive tilt streak:-(
Played some heads up cash and a few ring games and managed to grind my roll up to £55 unfortunately the evil demon made an appearance and I went on a tilt streak on heads up SNGs and a couple of mtts.
Managed to pull myself away from the tables kicking and screaming before it was too late but still very disappointed in myself.
Have decided that the best course of action is to have a night off and to do some reading will, probably play the 7pm freeroll but not buying into any cash,mtts or sit an gos until I'm confident that I am thinking logically and sensibly again and can play my A game.
Will be reading my highlighted sections of "The mental game of poker" which provided the turning point in my game last time and hopefully start to inject some logic into those bad beat / cooler situations and get the challenge heading back in the right direction again.
Played 2 £100 freerolls this evening but no success spent most of this evening reading and generally relaxing, I feel the amount of time spent at the tables of late has probably had more of an effect on my game than I had previously thought and has definitely effected my concentration. hopefully this short break has done me some good.
I will probably do the same again tomorrow and them have a proper session on Friday evening, as I have previously mentioned there is no time period for the challenge so I am in no rush to build up the roll too fast.
quiet couple of days at the tables for me, stuck to the plan and only played a few of the 100 quid freerolls, will be back at the tables as normal tomorrow evening and grinding onwards and upwards.
managed a small cash in the 10:30 freeroll for 70p
Good luck Kirbs, we all know you can do it, solid player that you are Posted by spurs_13
Thanks mate appreciate the positive words : -)
Seeing as the other half is in bed thought I'd get a small session in on the heads up SNGs, £10 up so far going to play for another hour then hit the sack will post another update in the morning
Well that small session last night turned out to be a rather profitable one and I intend to do the same this evening.
Played a few micro stakes cash games both 6max and HU as well as a couple of HU SnGs.
Managed to pick up the roll slightly and am now at the point where I would be comfortable playing a few low buy in MTTs.
I think the best MTTs to play will be the £25 gtd or the £50 gtd speed games. Both have a low buy in of £1.10 and both are rebuys. I have no intention of buying in more than once but the players tend to play overly aggressive in these low stakes rebuys and as such the prize pools can build quite quickly and afford a great ROI if you are to cash.i have managed to cash 4 out of my last 6 of these prior to the start of this challenge and think these could provide a nice contribution to the bankroll.
Well that small session last night turned out to be a rather profitable one and I intend to do the same this evening. Played a few micro stakes cash games both 6max and HU as well as a couple of HU SnGs. Managed to pick up the roll slightly and am now at the point where I would be comfortable playing a few low buy in MTTs. I think the best MTTs to play will be the £25 gtd or the £50 gtd speed games. Both have a low buy in of £1.10 and both are rebuys. I have no intention of buying in more than once but the players tend to play overly aggressive in these low stakes rebuys and as such the prize pools can build quite quickly and afford a great ROI if you are to cash.i have managed to cash 4 out of my last 6 of these prior to the start of this challenge and think these could provide a nice contribution to the bankroll. Gl all and see you at the tables this evening Current balance: £50.05 Posted by kirbsuk83
Definately this Kirb its how i have started with low br and you would be surprised how quick the little wins bump up your roll. The Rebuy games players are uber loose so play tight and you can get a lot of double ups and in doing so they rebuy and build the prize fun. When ive played them they constantly are around £30-50 prize fund which is great ROI on a quid. Its a little bit harder now with the late reg so you do get more runners where as before it only made about 20 runners now its more like 30-40. Still doable though. And not much risk to your br. Wd so far bud keep up the good work.
Thanks mate, appreciate you taking the time to read.
Fortunately my head isn't to fuzzy this morning after a few too many last night and have managed to squeeze a small session in this morning for a small £5.75 profit but every little helps I suppose.
I think the key to getting moving in this challenge is volume at this stage, unfortunately I haven't really had the time over the last few days to get some momentum but hopefully that will change this evening.
In response to Dazler your right about the looseness of those tourneys, I think if you stick to solid ABC poker and wait for your premium hands, especially in the early stages then it really is easy pickings. I never really understood why so few players played those particular games with such a good ROI and time wise they are pretty short and sweet offering a good return on your time invested.
It would be nice if I could run like you are at the mo Dazler ... I have a,feeling you might hit the £1k mark this weekend if you keep running good. My goal for this week is to hit the £100 milestone by Sunday (1 week into the challenge), then I just need to do the same again 99 times over lol ...when I put it like that it sounds so easy :-)
These diaries are an absolute inspiration for new poker players like myself, getting different ideas on managing BRM and ways to improve it without taking silly risks, along with the a true reality of how things will go up and down along the way.
I get tired of hearing all the negatives about software, bad beats and every other reason under the sun that causes us to lose where the reality is that most losses are a result of our own actions (i too have done all that moaning and plan to stop lol)
Thanks for taking time out to share your thoughts and progress with us, keep up the good work mate, i'll be watching with much interest
The afternoon started well with some heads up cash a few small wins here and there on the low stakes resulted in me being around 10 buyins up at 10nl, I then took a small punt at 20nl heads up and had a fantastic run against one guy that resulted in me getting a further 5 buyins up from that .... All in all this resulted in me being just shy of £230 up from happened...AGAIN!!!
The tilt monster inside me resurfaced and I proceeded to lose around £130+ on HU SNGs... I need to get a grip of this now at a crucial point in the challenge while I have a decent roll to play with...but everyday is a school day and will try and learn from this self inflicted lesson.
I then played a few MTTs ... This resulted in a qualification for the roller semi in about 30 mins time and a respectable 5th place finish in the £400 gtd rebuy.
More to follow this evening and hopefully I can recoup the loss from SNGs earlier by playing constantly within my roll. Anyway despite the donk session I am still up a fair bit for the day and have passed the £100 mark.
managed a small cash in the 10:30 freeroll for 70p