ive just been reminded why i hated freerolls like many of us

guy thats just been bullying every hand, i waited for something picked up A10, he calls the raise. Flop A 10 4, checked the flop, bet the turn got re-raised all in i called hes got 2 3 and hits the 5 for a straight on the river
cant win em all i guess :P
if anything though the freerolls are sometimes fun to just watch as 7 7 goes all in for 3k with the blinds at 15/30 and is then called by 63 AQ and K10
always a good game is the posters freeroll the standerd is very high
don't know what your on about. i invested 2 hours in 1 tonight and cashed for a whopping 50p!!! lol
Came second in one on wednesday along with 3rd in the posters so made a cool £65 for no stake