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Best poker hand/game ever played??????

EDKENT123EDKENT123 Member Posts: 416
edited November 2009 in Poker Chat
Probably one for the players who have been around longer (no abuse intended)

What is the greatest hand ever played could be from anywhere WSOP etc etc......

anything that sticks to your memory,

Love to know yours Tikay (only as you have alot of experience - again no abuse intended)


  • namesb0ndnamesb0nd Member Posts: 402
    edited November 2009
    not sure about the best ever,but this is the one i enjoyed the most:
  • EDKENT123EDKENT123 Member Posts: 416
    edited November 2009
    just watched urs bond, Y O Y, what was with all the reraising
  • EDKENT123EDKENT123 Member Posts: 416
    edited November 2009
    lol, the look on his face, priceless
  • Loki-RogyLoki-Rogy Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2009
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited November 2009

     Not for the play but just simply the cold deck!!
  • namesb0ndnamesb0nd Member Posts: 402
    edited November 2009

    this thread is great,i hope it takes off

  • Loki-RogyLoki-Rogy Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2009
    No matter how many times I read "Every Hand Revealed", I have never managed to do this...
  • 35suited35suited Member Posts: 2,332
    edited November 2009
    wouldnt call this the best hand but its a hand I like

    Appologies for the dodgy music

  • EDKENT123EDKENT123 Member Posts: 416
    edited November 2009
    great vids guys keep em coming
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited November 2009
    You have to include the Quad Aces hand based on the sheer unlikelyness of it all!
  • LadyFingrsLadyFingrs Member Posts: 613
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Best poker hand/game ever played??????:
    just watched urs bond, Y O Y, what was with all the reraising
    Posted by EDKENT123
    Well, I guess Jackson thought ivey would probably c/r a Jack on that baord because of how many draws he could rep, and so though alot of his range was draws air, when jackson raises, Ivey inexplicabley re-raises, cuz jackson is probably shipping draws cause of how shallow stacks are, so maybe he has relevant previous where he's seen jackson play his draws passively? Anyway, at this point Jackson thinks phil would prob flat a jack cuz a 3b is turning his hand face up (it's like '06, 3b bluffs havent been invented yet), so thinks air and draws are now a huge part of ivey's range. He doesn't ship cuz he thinks he'll be called by draws and fold out air - and he thinks he'll accomplish the same by makign a smaller raise so he's getting a better price on his bluff.

    Then ivey shoves cuz he is a super-user ldo.
  • silentbobsilentbob Member Posts: 2,137
    edited November 2009
    This hand truly amazed me. As much as Helmuth annoys me at times, to me this was just sheer brilliance.
  • EDKENT123EDKENT123 Member Posts: 416
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Best poker hand/game ever played??????:
    In Response to Re: Best poker hand/game ever played?????? : Well, I guess Jackson thought ivey would probably c/r a Jack on that baord because of how many draws he could rep, and so though alot of his range was draws air, when jackson raises, Ivey inexplicabley re-raises, cuz jackson is probably shipping draws cause of how shallow stacks are, so maybe he has relevant previous where he's seen jackson play his draws passively? Anyway, at this point Jackson thinks phil would prob flat a jack cuz a 3b is turning his hand face up (it's like '06, 3b bluffs havent been invented yet), so thinks air and draws are now a huge part of ivey's range. He doesn't ship cuz he thinks he'll be called by draws and fold out air - and he thinks he'll accomplish the same by makign a smaller raise so he's getting a better price on his bluff. Then ivey shoves cuz he is a super-user ldo.
    Posted by LadyFingrs
    many thanks, although ive played for a few years now as you can prob see im not a pro by any means and not half as good as 99% as the players on sky poker, but a big thanks for the reply, top marks!!
  • Loki-RogyLoki-Rogy Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2009
    Wasn't the Zeidman-Harman hand one Harrington analysed in Vol 1?
  • Loki-RogyLoki-Rogy Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2009
    Sorry, not spamming, just watching then posting...

    You have to wonder what the action was on the Quad Aces v Royal Flush before the turn. There doesn't seem that much in the pot

    Pre-flop - Mabuchi 81.9% favourite AA v JK
    Phillips looks like he had the button, he'll either have called Mabuchi's raise to have position throughout, or raised from the button and Mabuchi called.

    Post-flop - Mabuchi 83.9% favourite AAA v Gutshot - the flush draw isn't even out yet
    Action on Mabuchi, no flush draw, 10J gives and OESTD, but that's all that's really out there at this time. Couldn't blame him for checking, then I guess Phillips either makes a button raise or sees the free card.

    Post-turn - Mabuchi 18.2% favourite AAA v Straight & Flush Draw.
    Now there are more straight draws out there and the flush draw. This is where I would have liked to have seen the action.
    Mabuchi either controlled the pot size with a bet, or Phillips made a value bet, knowing he was probably in the lead and had draws to the flush.

    Still, got to love the huge chip push on the end (Copyright Phil Hellmuth)
  • igeige Member Posts: 121
    edited November 2009
    not the best hand but the best laydown ive ever seen enjoy
  • Uzi_loverUzi_lover Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2009
    not the best hand ever but funny, bad time 2 miss read ur cards
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