In Response to Re: Cash Table Changes....... : you have a valid point, the notes need improving - not that aware of data entry problems regaridng bet size - i type and it works :S Still think if you make something easier to use then people will use it and love it - just look at appple's operating systems GUI ) Computers for dummies :::) Posted by rancid
for example playing 1/2
you raise the button to 6
sb folds
bb calls
pot 13
you try and bet 8 on the flop. you type 8 in and hit bet. if you weren't paying attention (if the error is currently happening) you will have actually bet 28 because the 2 will have stayed where it was in the bet window as per the minimum bet.
I've bet 90% of my stack before intending to bet small it's so ridic tilting. I have made videos of it and got them to support so it's not a case of them being unaware.
if you click in your notes and it jumps back to the first space regardless of where you clicked then you are having the data entry issue and will for sure have issues typing your bets into the bet window.
In Response to Re: Cash Table Changes....... : for example playing 1/2 you raise the button to 6 sb folds bb calls pot 13 you try and bet 8 on the flop. you type 8 in and hit bet. if you weren't paying attention (if the error is currently happening) you will have actually bet 28 because the 2 will have stayed where it was in the bet window as per the minimum bet. I've bet 90% of my stack before intending to bet small it's so ridic tilting. I have made videos of it and got them to support so it's not a case of them being unaware. if you click in your notes and it jumps back to the first space regardless of where you clicked then you are having the data entry issue and will for sure have issues typing your bets into the bet window. Posted by beaneh
THIS DEFINATELY, most ridiculous thing especially when you are multitabling considering there is no time bank also so you can't spend too long checking
Okay then, agreed. I call. I think you should start a thread in Community Suggestions and own an ordered " Priority List" of player recommended changes that accurately reflect what the "pool of players" want via fair/open/classy discussionments in said thread. Keep post one editable for updates imo. FWIW I'm not interested in derailing this thread, but i'll give you my view in that thread as to why default 80% /> 60%. Thanks Posted by TPTP123
The only problem with this is, the people who come on the forum account for probably <10% of the player base, probably even a lot less than this. So a thread on the forum only ever gets the opinions of forum regs and not the wider player base.
In Response to Re: Cash Table Changes....... : The only problem with this is, the people who come on the forum account for probably <10% of the player base, probably even a lot less than this. So a thread on the forum only ever gets the opinions of forum regs and not the wider player base. Posted by Lambert180
Correct, less than that. However, we try to get feedback in a variety of ways from non-Community users. Their view is equally important, of course.
Ideally, we''d like the Community to attract more of our players, & we are striving to achieve that by making it a better Community & forum.
Not having auto top up and it sometimes being impossible to reload your stack to 100bbs before the next hand is surely a more widespread problem than the data entry problems.
auto top up - on/off toggle in the main option menu would be ace ) If it was that simple me thinks Sky would have done it already. Maybe the software has limitations and they just can't code/program/script it ? Would be nice to know if it's possible and something that will arrive one day. Plus when I sit down I always place myself in the the top left hand corner of the screen. This was a tip I atually got from Tikay ) It would be great to have an auto placement option/button, cmon Tikay you know it makes sense ) clockwise or anti-clockwise is such a pain auto max buy in option would be fanstictico in the main option menu I can't think of anymore diffuclt changes for you ) Posted by rancid
If your playing about 20 tables maybe , but is that hard to click round a cpl of places on a table
In Response to Re: Cash Table Changes....... : If your playing about 20 tables maybe , but is that hard to click round a cpl of places on a table Posted by MP33
yeah it's a pain for me, just wanna fire up tables and then play - click on auto top up and bobs ya uncle
nothings perfect until it is -
wait for big blind and auto post is annoying too
like 8 clicks even before I can start playing just for one table
Not having auto top up and it sometimes being impossible to reload your stack to 100bbs before the next hand is surely a more widespread problem than the data entry problems. Posted by offshoot
this is why there is a real need for auto top-up, not because people are too lazy to press a couple of extra buttons
it's so ridic to say 'make playing alot better' Sim, just joke ridiculous.
IT affects play IN NO WAY.
If you want to bet all in and be ready for the next hand, you can now click get chips/max and it reloads you before the next hand if required (REMEMBER IT ONLY TOOK SOME MONTHS TO REMOVE THE 'XYS HAS TOPPED UP' THE SECOND YOU CLICK).
it's barmy to think that auto top up is in any way important.
seriously why would I shout the loudest about not implementing something that BENEFITS ME THE MOST, by absolute miles.
THE ONLY Time it is impossible to top up before a hand is over is when you have > the table maximum so auto top up has no effect, or if there is some kind of glitch. best not to fix any glitches and just add in this feature. this last line is sarcastic for those who cant tell.
On the river you call an all in there isnt enough time to reload before the pot is shipped. Theres plenty of times where ive seen someone fail to reload in time for the next hand. Even when i sometimes think ive clicked it in time it doesnt reload for the next hand.
On the river you call an all in there isnt enough time to reload before the pot is shipped. Theres plenty of times where ive seen someone fail to reload in time for the next hand. Even when i sometimes think ive clicked it in time it doesnt reload for the next hand. Posted by offshoot
or stack goes all in time and again because of software glitches. NO BIGGY.
you people are mind blowing.
why don't we just get sky to deposit into certain peoples bank accounts monthly and be done with it?!?
lol it's a tiny little bit arrogant to think that just because you don't find introducing auto top up important that it's not a priority imo
surely if a lot of regular players consider it a priority (more so than other improvements) then sky need to do it from a business sense, even if you don't personally agree with it?
Why don't you just double check what you bet, I mean you have so much time topping up manually then you surely have enough time to double check how much you bet !
auto top /> mr beans emotional truama
we could argue this all day, makes no differance - Sky won't do jack
When you click pot, 3/4 pot or half pot it actually overbets as it caluclates the pot plus whatever rake has been taken. For example if the three players have bet £1 pre flop then the pot will be £2.94 ish. Any bets placed on the pot size will be based on the £3.
lol it's a tiny little bit arrogant to think that just because you don't find introducing auto top up important that it's not a priority imo surely if a lot of regular players consider it a priority (more so than other improvements) then sky need to do it from a business sense, even if you don't personally agree with it? Posted by yb
I just wrote a long post but ofc sky has awesome software, so nothing ever glitches. and I didn't lose the whole post and whole tab in my browser because I couldn't close the 'come play this ridic tourny you don't care about banner'.
I shall cliff note my response as best I can remember.
It's not arrogant to point out countless flaws THAT COST PEOPLE MONEY CONSTANTLY and point out that this is a something only considered 'needed' by winning regs.
Wait so if we have a bunch of lets call them moron regs. and they all think that we should all get a go on tikay once weekly, sky should introduce this? this MUST be a good idea? Don't be ridiculous like this example is.
There are many legacy problems with sky, and many long standing problems which have not been fixed, many of which can cost people CASH MONIES. yet people are constantly demanding one unneccessary feature that only benefits a small minority.
I'll repeat again, IT WOULD BENEFIT ME PROBABLY THE MOST. I'm very sorry for being so selfish as to argue the case against something that benefits me so greatly.
**** me Bean, your such a drama queen ! Why don't you just double check what you bet, I mean you have so much time topping up manually then you surely have enough time to double check how much you bet ! auto top /> mr beans emotional truama we could argue this all day, makes no differance - Sky won't do jack Posted by rancid
I get tilted by idiotic posts by clueless people posting selfishly. pretty clear cut.
I do double check even whilst 30 tabling and always being topped up even so with the problem of data entry being so ridic it still causes me issues.
oh no I did not get dealt in this hand I have lost nothing
oh no I bet my stack not half pot. it's ok only a large monetary cost for the player. yeh as players we should be happy with this and hope that sky take all their time installing fluffy bunny animations and other very important things.....
ok ok i think we've all got the message by now that you can multi-table more than anyone else lol
and yes i agree that software glitches are very annoying, but i would have thought that adding in an auto top-up feature would be less complicated than ironing out all the different glitches. i don't know much about programming so i could be way off the mark with that.
i don't play much cash on here at all any more btw so i'm not posting from a selfish viewpoint, i just think it would make sense, in general, for sky to bring in something which quite a few high volume regs consider important
Ideally, we''d like the Community to attract more of our players, & we are striving to achieve that by making it a better Community & forum.
nothings perfect until it is -
wait for big blind and auto post is annoying too
like 8 clicks even before I can start playing just for one table
we are the minority so suppose it's not a surprise we don't get what we ask for )
imo auto top up should be no1 on the list, the thrills can wait
want to be able to relax and play without worrying about having to top up
I have actually started to top up in the middle of hands, just in case I lose
can't do it though unless your below the max buy in for the table
this is why there is a real need for auto top-up, not because people are too lazy to press a couple of extra buttons
surely if a lot of regular players consider it a priority (more so than other improvements) then sky need to do it from a business sense, even if you don't personally agree with it?
Why don't you just double check what you bet, I mean you have so much time topping up manually then you surely have enough time to double check how much you bet !
auto top /> mr beans emotional truama
we could argue this all day, makes no differance - Sky won't do jack
and yes i agree that software glitches are very annoying, but i would have thought that adding in an auto top-up feature would be less complicated than ironing out all the different glitches. i don't know much about programming so i could be way off the mark with that.
i don't play much cash on here at all any more btw so i'm not posting from a selfish viewpoint, i just think it would make sense, in general, for sky to bring in something which quite a few high volume regs consider important
personally I don't have a major problem with betting or with the notes but agree they have to be improved
but for me I want auto top first and for you - you just want attention j/k )
I do agree that an error with entering bets can be more costly, but if you don't top up quick enough you could possibily lose money on the next hand