Lisa (Nell Gwyn LML) has volunteered to do your forfeit instead of you when you lose tonight ... Now THATS Loyalty .. Top Gal that on your team .. "whispers" "how did you manage to do that" ? )
Breaking News TK . Lisa (Nell Gwyn LML) has volunteered to do your forfeit instead of you when you lose tonight ... Now THATS Loyalty .. Top Gal that on your team .. "whispers" "how did you manage to do that" ? ) Posted by bennydip2
lol LIsa ... Oranges and Lemons said the bells of St Clements, you owe me five farthings said the bells of St Martin,s , When will you pay me says the bells of o'l Tee Kayyyyyyyyyyyyy
Ugh, thoroughly outplayed my table of away players (and one who wasn't) - got moved to a table with one other guy having amassed about 15,000 with the blinds at 150/75, only other 'real' player was all in every hand with position on me. Picked up jacks, min raise, re-raise all-in, call, he turns 66, rivers the 6. Annoyed I spent 45 minutes blankly clicking raise but hey, good luck team
Umm.. Boss (and venerable team members), I would like to apologise in advance for my 'No Show' this evening.. Prior engagement. Can't get out of it. This by no means should be mis-construed as a lack of faith in my team or team-mates!! I'm 100% behindyou all the way. GO TEAM!!!! xx Posted by LML
Lisa (Nell Gwyn LML) has volunteered to do your forfeit instead of you when you lose tonight ... Now THATS Loyalty .. Top Gal that on your team ..
"whispers" "how did you manage to do that" ?
Stick an Orange in it Benny!!
Lisa Lisa give us a wave "\o/' ...