Had my best night yet by far, cashed in in 72nd place, amazing chat on tables, & loved railing the boss man after i went out....so glad they thought of this tourney, so looking forward to next tuesday. Well done to every1 for such an enjoyable evening.... Lots of poker love amanda xxxx Posted by borobabe09
very unlucky amanda, think its first time played with you......seem to remember you were doing well and i was floundering in bout 140th out of 150.
was a pleasure, and thanks for the wee bit of railing
from one of the so called pensioners!! enjoyed the tourny very much especially cashing...had to shoot out before end to play tennis, so what was the final result?
In Response to Re: What a great success TKO 1 was : very unlucky amanda, think its first time played with you......seem to remember you were doing well and i was floundering in bout 140th out of 150. was a pleasure, and thanks for the wee bit of railing that goes for all you guys and gals. Posted by JAEGERBOMB
Lol, ppl will start talkin........ Had a v enjoyable evening on the table with u, & you are right i was doing well at 1 point. Still think i did good tho, cashed in so thats really good. very enjoyable evening & hope we play together sooooon :-))
Velocity next week! Lol! An 800-900 runner Velocity. Will be absolute mayhem! Posted by RICHORFORD
you will be in your comfort zone here rich, a game for the not so talented players and they play your kind of hands j-7 k-5 etc. you should fit right in
Not sure what happened - got 2 e mails, 1st saying I was on team TK, then another saying I was on team Orford - were they fighting over me or desperately trying to ship me from one to the other - I fear the latter, missed it after all that house hunting. Well done Jaegar I believe
Well played Jaeger, U took a few bad beats there and still hung in to make the final table - great play. Team Orford all the way. 96th for me - great fun tho
A very early exit for me - shock. However, I did learn that I can't even multi-table 3 tables when railing. I guess that I'll just have to leave multi-tabling to the kidz.
I had a fantastic time in TKO1, and well done Sky for such a great idea. Loved the cash, and being on the 'top table'. loved all the chat and the fizzing excitement! Well done Jaeger. looking forward to next week. Meoww
P.s JAEGERBOMB soz i didnt rail longer, had me 9.15 DS & Railing the gaffer. wish i had tho cause you had a great game.....WD XXX Posted by borobabe09
Well dona Amanda a great showing by you.
ps.How did you do in the 9.15 deepy?
I was going great on 18k when i was all in after flop of A blank blank with me holding AQ and someone else AK.His bigger A knocked me out.Who was the other player? now let me think...................Oh yes ACEBARRY10 himself.
This was a great promotion by sky and something i've not seen done on any other site before (originality is so hard to come by these days lol). I am not exagerating it when i say i've never played in an online tourny as fun as last nights. I played some of this years WCOOP events (on a well known rivals site that shall not be named). I thought i'd play some of these as they must be the top tournys to play online.... I mean it's the world championships......... HOW WRONG was I. I've had more fun watching i'm a celebrity (which is only 1 step up from actual torture) It's TKO all the way for me!!!!! bring on next week
Think SkyPoker have hit a sure winner here Well done to all those that cashed and the railing was too quick for my screen and cards!!!!!!! Sorry team skipper will go a few better next time!!!!! amazing how long the final table was then woosh Posted by JAEGERBOMB
I liked the idea of having a different tourny each week, but afetr last ngihts success its feel a bit of a shame to ahve to change it, nxt week is gonig to be soooooo different
really enjoyed the tourney. had a good laugh with huflungpu for a while. ended up 33rd, cant wait for next week. Posted by fatray
Well played Ray, you was very short stacked at one point and i had the sniper rifle aimed right at you, glad you took all the banter in the right way and it was a pleasure meeting you, hope to see you in the future
I am sorry to report this but this tourney was OBVIOUSLY FIXED. I had AA four times in position on that Rich Orful player and every time i tried to call one of his many rash all ins or raise him with my 'unbeatable' hand the only button that worked on my screen was FOLD!. I did receive an email of the said player informing me of a payment of 10% of his winnings if i kept quiet about this but on reflexion I would rather spill the beans instead of accepting his very generous offer of 20p!! I congratulate everyone who cashed and everyone on the final table but I feel the facts have got to be known. The only solution I can see is that Rich orford has his winnings taken off him and his place announced null and void. This will mean whoever was on the bubble will now be moved up one place and receive his rightful place and reward.
was a pleasure, and thanks for the wee bit of railing
that goes for all you guys and gals.
I was an orfordite.
Had a v enjoyable evening on the table with u, & you are right i was doing well at 1 point. Still think i did good tho, cashed in so thats really good.
very enjoyable evening & hope we play together sooooon :-))
soz i didnt rail longer, had me 9.15 DS & Railing the gaffer. wish i had tho cause you had a great game.....WD
Then you could have warned me we were on 102 players when i went all-in UTG with AK, but it held
How did you do in DS?? off to bed in a mo, so prob chat tomoro.
gonna miss the forum banter tomoro, just hope its the right result or im hiding x
Congrats to all who cashed.
Already looking forward to next week and another glorious triumph for the dark lord.
However, I did learn that I can't even multi-table 3 tables when railing.
I guess that I'll just have to leave multi-tabling to the kidz.
ps.How did you do in the 9.15 deepy?
I was going great on 18k when i was all in after flop of A blank blank with me holding AQ and someone else AK.His bigger A knocked me out.Who was the other player? now let me think...................Oh yes ACEBARRY10 himself.
Well we have 4 more to go !!
This was a great promotion by sky and something i've not seen done on any other site before (originality is so hard to come by these days lol). I am not exagerating it when i say i've never played in an online tourny as fun as last nights. I played some of this years WCOOP events (on a well known rivals site that shall not be named). I thought i'd play some of these as they must be the top tournys to play online.... I mean it's the world championships......... HOW WRONG was I. I've had more fun watching i'm a celebrity (which is only 1 step up from actual torture) It's TKO all the way for me!!!!! bring on next week
excellent performance ,
very well done.
Enjoyed last nights event though... once I'd left the freeroll crazies table anyway.
Sorry Rich - couldn't help with the cash - busted out in 115 after getting short :-/
really enjoyed the tourney. had a good laugh with huflungpu for a while. ended up 33rd, cant wait for next week.
oh and welcome to the forum
I am sorry to report this but this tourney was OBVIOUSLY FIXED.
I had AA four times in position on that Rich Orful player and every time i tried to call one of his many rash all ins or raise him with my 'unbeatable' hand the only button that worked on my screen was FOLD!. I did receive an email of the said player informing me of a payment of 10% of his winnings if i kept quiet about this but on reflexion I would rather spill the beans instead of accepting his very generous offer of 20p!!
I congratulate everyone who cashed and everyone on the final table but I feel the facts have got to be known.
The only solution I can see is that Rich orford has his winnings taken off him and his place announced null and void. This will mean whoever was on the bubble will now be moved up one place and receive his rightful place and reward.
Awaiting response of the suits now............