Still pulling together bits of information and am short of details on 8 players, but of those I know the following are still alive in the SPT 6 Max going into day 2.
Full Results of the Fantasy SPT 6 Max are below, I was struggling for information on a handful of players so could not complete there scores, but none of them were in contention for the overall prizes so haven't wasted any further time trying to track down furter information.
We have a resounding victor in Brrrrrr of Team Diamondwho managed to select four player who made the cash in the event including his captain andrew1947, I shall be asking him for help with my lotto numbers in future. Very Well played sir.
Congratulations also go to Bobsicool3 for a fine 2nd place and to Summerjade of Team Dragons who finished 3rd.
I will contact Sky today and arrange for the three of you to be entered into the UKOPS Mini Roller on November 1st.
Many thanks to everyone who took part, great to see so many of the forum contributors getting involved. I'll hopefully try to run something similar (if a little less complicated and time consuming) for future SPT's.
Team ManagerPlayersScoreBrrrrrrandrew194712diamond8160Score271CoxyLboro155Slykllist14Bonus55TommyD19nagrom11Total216Bobsicool3Crazyben2320Bolly58073Score322LeBruce140Shawsok18Bonus35YOUNG_GUN29JingleMa42Total287Summerjadeandrew19471218AND5TIME59Score366scotty7781simuk71Bonus35albania135jamielou8Total331DirewolfTommyD19andrew194712Score380UNCLE_PAT37mewillows143Bonus35Direwolf49rosjim1120Total345bolesAATommyD19SoLack107Score399mewillows143UNCLE_PAT37Bonus35andrew194712scotty7781Total364ste1722UNCLE_PAT37andrew194712Score407jamielou8maccapaca170Bonus30nagrom11Bear_Proof169Total377chubbersTommyD19Direwolf49Score420YOUNG_GUN29simuk71Bonus25scotty7781Jonesy1066171Total395shaun09mewillows143simuk71Score416scotty7781jamielou8Bonus20bearlyther101andrew194712Total396lea116311EBBERDON179rosjim1120Score434UNCLE_PAT37jamielou8Bonus20sikas78andrew194712Total414bailey69CoxyLboro155EvilPingu142Score437sikas78YOUNG_GUN29Bonus20Slykllist14TommyD19Total417mj8bsbreqqandrew194712Score441scotty7781EBBERDON179Bonus20CoxyLboro155Slykllist14Total421</td
Wow..I thought i might be in with a chance when I was watching some of the live feed but to actually win is great. Thanks for organising the competition and well done on your cash in the main event itself!
I must be close with Jamie lou, doubt i get any points for me near bubbling?
We have a resounding victor in Brrrrrr of Team Diamond who managed to select four player who made the cash in the event including his captain andrew1947, I shall be asking him for help with my lotto numbers in future. Very Well played sir.
Congratulations also go to Bobsicool3 for a fine 2nd place and to Summerjade of Team Dragons who finished 3rd.
I will contact Sky today and arrange for the three of you to be entered into the UKOPS Mini Roller on November 1st.
Many thanks to everyone who took part, great to see so many of the forum contributors getting involved. I'll hopefully try to run something similar (if a little less complicated and time consuming) for future SPT's.
Team ManagerPlayers ScoreBrrrrrrandrew194712diamond8160Score271 CoxyLboro155Slykllist14Bonus55TommyD19nagrom11Total216Bobsicool3Crazyben2320Bolly58073Score322 LeBruce140Shawsok18Bonus35YOUNG_GUN29JingleMa42Total287Summerjadeandrew19471218AND5TIME59Score366 scotty7781simuk71Bonus35albania135jamielou8Total331DirewolfTommyD19andrew194712Score380 UNCLE_PAT37mewillows143Bonus35Direwolf49rosjim1120Total345bolesAATommyD19SoLack107Score399 mewillows143UNCLE_PAT37Bonus35andrew194712scotty7781Total364ste1722UNCLE_PAT37andrew194712Score407 jamielou8maccapaca170Bonus30nagrom11Bear_Proof169Total377chubbersTommyD19Direwolf49Score420 YOUNG_GUN29simuk71Bonus25scotty7781Jonesy1066171Total395shaun09mewillows143simuk71Score416 scotty7781jamielou8Bonus20bearlyther101andrew194712Total396lea116311EBBERDON179rosjim1120Score434 UNCLE_PAT37jamielou8Bonus20sikas78andrew194712Total414bailey69CoxyLboro155EvilPingu142Score437 sikas78YOUNG_GUN29Bonus20Slykllist14TommyD19Total417mj8bsbreqq andrew194712Score441 scotty7781EBBERDON179Bonus20CoxyLboro155Slykllist14Total421</td
Can't see my team on list were they that bad...................
Added a bit of extra interest while watching on the feed. Any plans for doing it again at the next SPT?