There must be something wrong with my sight -- go the the Special Tab in the tourament lobby, yep went can't see the Special tab??????????? Posted by hijimhere
Giz a clue, Jim. Who or what is telling you to go to the "special tab"?
I suspect it's not actually called 'Special', it just means go to the individual tab for an event (such as UKOPS for example). If you tell us what's telling you we can point you in the right direction.
It MAY be that I, or someone else said, when referring to UKOPS or somesuch, "go to the special tab in the lobby" - meaning the UKOPS tag which is specially for UKOPS.
n Response to SPECIAL tab:
I suspect it's not actually called 'Special', it just means go to the individual tab for an event (such as UKOPS for example). If you tell us what's telling you we can point you in the right direction.
Hi Hi.
I'm not sure what you mean, sorry.
It MAY be that I, or someone else said, when referring to UKOPS or somesuch, "go to the special tab in the lobby" - meaning the UKOPS tag which is specially for UKOPS.
Could that be the answer?