I agree on the mob mentality. Though you can't tell me that the sport is responsible. If you dumped several NFL tems in Britain and allowed the fanbase to develop for a century, then the same people would be in the stadium, behaving in the same manner as you see from soccer fans.
based on Tikays description it seems Virginia had quite an exciting life as she also tramped across France shooting **** while memorizing a poem, and had her name carved with pride!
In Response to Re: Sunday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***) : Not naively suggesting that NFL players don't misbehave. But the sport doesn't incite the same mob mentality from fans that football does. I disagree with your analysis. Many of these idiots ONLY behave like that when they're in the stands on a Saturday. Posted by J-Hartigan
Not to derail this thread too much, but I think it has more to do with the traditionally stronger attachement of fans to their clubs in Europe, while professional sports in the States was purely to make money from the start. With teams moving all the time, and the lack of local teams in the lower divisions for many, there just isn't the same passion that then sometimes leads to excesses.
In Response to Re: Sunday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***) : Not to derail this thread too much, but I think it has more to do with the traditionally stronger attachement of fans to their clubs in Europe, while professional sports in the States was purely to make money from the start. With teams moving all the time, and the lack of local teams in the lower divisions for many, there just isn't the same passion that then sometimes leads to excesses. Posted by Giant811
Also, in European countries, a local rivalry means thousands of fans of club A living within spitting distance of thousands of fans of club B. The resentment builds significantly as a result.
With the exceptions of New York and Oakland/San Francisco, in the U.S. the local rivals are from hundreds of miles away.
577407108 hi guys great show as usual.. can you please show this hand?? i was very short stack after my aces got crushed!! was it right to shove here and just got unlucky or could i have waited for a better spot even though i was ahead.
Also, in European countries, a local rivalry means thousands of fans of club A living within spitting distance of thousands of fans of club B. The resentment builds significantly as a result.
With the exceptions of New York and Oakland/San Francisco, in the U.S. the local rivals are from hundreds of miles away.
Great Show as always guys,
Caption Comp
Tikay says " News just in, Rich Orford is going to Vegas next year, Be afraid, be Very Afraid."
Tikay thinks to himself "This is the moment that my whole life has been leading to....." before annoucing
"Here is the Shipping Forcast........"
caption competition, james, to be spoken/sung in the voice of tikay,
"If I should stay,
I would only be in your way.
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you ev'ry step of the way.
And I ...... will always love yooooooooooou."