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TKO - so who is your MVP so far?

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
edited November 2009 in Poker Chat

Remember, there is £100 to the "Most Valuable Player" on BOTH Teams, to be decided after Leg Five.

So a bit early to be choosing yet.

But so we remermber, as we go along, who do you think deserved it from BOTH Teams last night?

It's quite a problem really.

Team tikay has no shortage of candidates.

But who will be picked from Team Orford? 

Make your early nominations for BOTH Teams now. We can revise them as TKP progresses.

Who do you reckon, then?

It does NOT have to be "Best Player", or "Biggest Casher". "Best Team Member", "Best Team Supporter", "Most Gracious Player", anything.


  • PILLOWMANPILLOWMAN Member Posts: 1,165
    edited November 2009
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: TKO - so who is your MVP so far?:
    Posted by PILLOWMAN
    Cheers Pillowman - I'd like to nominate you for best Orford Heckler :)
  • borobabe09borobabe09 Member Posts: 327
    edited November 2009
    Can we nominate ourselves LOL

    I would like to nominate ME for being the best table hopper

  • PILLOWMANPILLOWMAN Member Posts: 1,165
    edited November 2009
  • MADMOOMADMOO Member Posts: 1,687
    edited November 2009
    Watched the final 2 tables thought JAEGERBOMB and Doreen played really well.
  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited November 2009
    my votes go to elsadog(team orford) and borobabe(team tikay) for the excellent railing and support they gave me.

    This is a team competition and they showed support for their fellow team members which is what TKO is all about.

    On a playing note, i'd prob go for Tikay himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited November 2009

    Oh yes - BolsterMan gets the Award for "Best Orford heckler".

    Not that it's difficult, he has oodles of material to work with.

    Where did their so-called Leader finish? 500th or something?

    And "BEST KO" goes to ACESOVER8s" for busting the Ex-gloater. 
  • BuistyboyBuistyboy Member Posts: 408
    edited November 2009
    Man of the match for tikay's team has to be the dealer, that plucked out a queen on the river to rescue Doreen who was all in,  against 1 of the 3 remaining  orford stallwarts.

    Trully, 1 card that changed the outcome of the match.

    Credit where its due, though, Doreen then took advantage and went on to get the win, that won the match for tk, so is probably mvp if the dealer doesnt count ;)

  • sophiesmumsophiesmum Member Posts: 259
    edited November 2009
    Got to be Doreen. Has anyone actually thanked her 'cos she might not have had the chat box on screen?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2009

    Doreen was the far superior player, watching from when there were 18 left. Aggressive, fearless little bit lucky with the 2 outer but he/she who dares...wins. Took the whole ft down single handedly, even if he/she busted in 6th 5th 4th or 3rd, wud still get my vote based on superior poker strategy!

    I gather he/she was on my team too, but this wud not have influenced my decision. Jaegerbomb runner up, as tried to dominate the table too.

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2009

    Also a mention for scrumdown, who i thought got very unlucky, and got his/her money in ahead everytime. Although not playing the way i wud approach a final table, money in ahead is all ya can do! so my MVP vote wud read...

    1st - Doreen (deserved winner)
    2nd - Jaegerbomb (right intentions, cards/situations went against him.her)
    3rd - Scrumdown (Money in ahead everytime)

  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited November 2009

    has to be JAEGERBOMB for team orford an outstanding performance

    i vote for LML for team tikay for her continuous gettin in yer face to poor LORD ORFORD

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: TKO - so who is your MVP so far?:
    Man of the match for tikay's team has to be the dealer, that plucked out a queen on the river to rescue Doreen who was all in,  against 1 of the 3 remaining  orford stallwarts. Trully, 1 card that changed the outcome of the match. Credit where its due, though, Doreen then took advantage and went on to get the win, that won the match for tk, so is probably mvp if the dealer doesnt count ;) Ray
    Posted by Buistyboy
    No need for that!

    We won fair & square. Ish.

    But really, "one card" - yes, all those players, all those tables, all those hands, & it pretty much came down to one hand, but for which, the best team would have lost.

    On the "one card" thing, don''t forget I had a Pot for the near Chip-Lead with 15 left, my A-J v K-J, & the King spiked. And I never got given a single "walk" all night, if I recall correctly.
  • BuistyboyBuistyboy Member Posts: 408
    edited November 2009
    Hi Tikay

    You are of course absolutely right.  On all the different tables with all the different hands, there will have been many many river cards that ultimately changed the destination of all the chips at the very end.  So it is admittedly unfair to single any one hand out in that sense, and I certainly wasnt intending to detract from Doreen by mentioning it. 

    There were pocket aces beaten by pocket 2's and my own qq got beaten by a 6-9 all in that hit the straight.  All part and parcel of the game, and the important thing was that in this game, more than any other, the outdraws were taken in great spirit and part of the fun and theate of the event.
  • BuistyboyBuistyboy Member Posts: 408
    edited November 2009

    "And I never got given a single "walk" all night, if I recall correctly. "

    Now how did I manage to let that one go without a mention.  lol.

  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited November 2009
    Tikay is the new ironside

    not had a walk in years
  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: TKO - so who is your MVP so far?:
    Tikay is the new ironside not had a walk in years
    Posted by JAEGERBOMB
    unless you include when the nurses from the care home take him out in the garden

  • apollo_11apollo_11 Member Posts: 969
    edited November 2009
    My MVP would have to be acesover8s for knocking out Lord Smirk.
    Second would have to be doreen who won the title for the team.
  • Any2SuitedAny2Suited Member Posts: 1,240
    edited November 2009
    Best for Orfords lot = Jaegerbomb

    Best for tikays tonkers = Doreen
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: TKO - so who is your MVP so far?:
    My MVP would have to be acesover8s for knocking out Lord Smirk. Second would have to be doreen who won the title for the team.
    Posted by apollo_11
    This glittering support from Team Tikay really brings a tear to my eye, Honest i'm all emotional and stuff.

    Glad to know i made the right choice, with TEAM MATES like we have there is no way TEAM TIKAY can fail, (however i'm going to appologise in advance for my poor showing in the Bounty hunter as i suck at these lol)
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