Mighty Rams were less than Mighty last night. Don't care. Wewon! Prolly sign Suerez in January.
Brilliant stuff from BBMike with the spin up thing. Hope he sods off from playing the Dyms now. Unsure I've ever won a game he's played in.
Tiny volume unfortunately. Lots to do at moment. Dyms going well though. Good start to month.
One day I'll actually do what I said I'd do. BBmike was playing £5.50 Dyms earlier when I had an hour to play. Obviously, I lost them all. So despite what I said, I moved up to the £10's. Won 5 put of 6. Nice to get a quick £23 profit for the hour.
Delighted DoubleAAA has joined TPT. Always nice to have good players on your side.
NCT classes are coming to an end, thank god. Keeps her happy though.
"Putz" seems to be the 'in' word at the moment. In my slightly less mature days, I used to occasionally call people who sucked out on me "peasants" Wasn't very nice of me but I thought that at least it was a bit different.
Gonna watch a bit of Cricket.
Work tomorrow, than off til Tuesday. Busy weekend. Premier League bound Rams on TV. Work night out Saturday. £30 rebuy at Genting Sunday. Golf Monday. Take Pen out for Sunday dinner to ensure I'm allowed to do all these things. Try and get online at some stage.
I've been at home the past couple of days so trying to make the most of double points. I'm not exactly crushing DYMs, won 25/43 today so barely beating rake. BUT if you're happy moving over to £11 whilst I'm on, I'm happy too! Plenty of tricky players about, must make more notes.
DoubleAAA shouldn't be allowed in TPT, he's good enough to sit in a team on his own.
Satted into £55 but never got going. Strange exit hand. Player we were all isolating knocked me out. Called my reraise with KJ oop. Led for 100 into 1800 on 9 6 2. He then called my 900 reraise. And, then, he, got, there. Sigh.
Strong tables last night which is unusual for a Friday. Had one £10 Dym which had 5 long term winners on it. Hard work.
Mighty rams destroyed Blackpool even though Dohhhh tried hard to bok us with a bit of gamesmanship.
Home and away fixtures v Donny soon, so another 6 points guaranteed. May even get to see the Dohhhh hermit.
Horrible. Watched it until tea last night. Have to admit Johnson was awesome.
Copious amounts will be drunk tonight. Never a good idea when out with work colleagues.
Unfortunately a couple of things have led to me leaving. I must stress that as I said to Trev in my pm, it is certainly nothing to do with him or the other team members that I know. I think that Trev and Dale do a wonderful job running the team and the welcome I was given at SPT Birmingham by Trev and the other TPT players who were there, Jeffter, JJJach etc, meant a lot to me.
Poker Plodding along, break even yesterday. Satted into £55 but never got going. Strange exit hand. Player we were all isolating knocked me out. Called my reraise with KJ oop. Led for 100 into 1800 on 9 6 2. He then called my 900 reraise. And, then, he, got, there. Sigh. Strong tables last night which is unusual for a Friday. Had one £10 Dym which had 5 long term winners on it. Hard work. Football Mighty rams destroyed Blackpool even though Dohhhh tried hard to bok us with a bit of gamesmanship. Home and away fixtures v Donny soon, so another 6 points guaranteed. May even get to see the Dohhhh hermit. Cricket Horrible. Watched it until tea last night. Have to admit Johnson was awesome. Beer Copious amounts will be drunk tonight. Never a good idea when out with work colleagues. TPT Unfortunately a couple of things have led to me leaving. I must stress that as I said to Trev in my pm, it is certainly nothing to do with him or the other team members that I know. I think that Trev and Dale do a wonderful job running the team and the welcome I was given at SPT Birmingham by Trev and the other TPT players who were there, Jeffter, JJJach etc, meant a lot to me. Enjoy your weekend all. Posted by Jac35
Ahhhh, it sounds like a cracking idea! At my old work we were given £30 per head for everyone in the team, there was 11 of us. Nothing was ever booked in time, so every year without fail it was China Buffet King (Chinese buffet) followed by millions of booze. Can't beat it.
TPT is always there if you ever want to rejoin, you were a good member of the team. One day you may well come back.
TPT Unfortunately a couple of things have led to me leaving. I must stress that as I said to Trev in my pm, it is certainly nothing to do with him or the other team members that I know. I think that Trev and Dale do a wonderful job running the team and the welcome I was given at SPT Birmingham by Trev and the other TPT players who were there, Jeffter, JJJach etc, meant a lot to me. Enjoy your weekend all. Posted by Jac35
think we need a better explanation than that Paul. do pm me if you don't want to discuss in public, but you can't hit and run like that
Had a good night. Don't think I did anything too embarrassing. Did have one rather unfortunate thing happen at the curry house. I bought a rather dashing new white top the other day and it seemed to attract curry. Penny not impressed as I tried baby wipes to get it out and then chucked it in the washing machine at 3:25 in the morning. The **** thing is still stained.
Very unlucky with the bet. I thought we played really well in both halves. Was ridiculous that we were losing at halftime. Never a pen. Martin is a genius at getting fouls.
Prolly sign Messi in January to help us with the final push for promotion
Will PM you later when my brain has started to work again.
Been grumpy today. Not sure why. Could be something to do with not getting home until 5.00 in the morning. GG golf today.
Bust the comp last night. All a bit dull. Couple of limpers and I shoved with 9's for 14 bigs. Big blind decided his J10 was plenty good enough to make the call, he had about 20 bbs.
Cash went really well. Pretty unusually tough table.
Had a hand where with 4 limpers, I looked down at Aces in the big blind. Raised to 7. Couple of calls and then the button made it 47!. He was playing just under 200. Decided to flat as I couldn't see him doing anything other than shove on the flop. 1 other guy called as well and we saw a Q 6 6 flop. Check from me and then all in, all in. Called and held against KQ and The buttons KK.
Later found KK in big blind. Tight UTG had raised to 6 and the usual 4 callers. I repopped to 27 and UTG only caller. Flop of J J 5. I led for 23 and he 3 bet to 56. Tanked for a while. Doubt he flats with AJ or 55 pre and would be surprised to see him reraise with these hands as well. Would just let me hang myself. Tanked for a while as I was trying to work out whether he had Aces or QQ. Guy not in hand called the clock which was a bit annoying. Eventually let it go and hit the good news when he showed Aces. Still not sure if I should be folding there. Could also have checked flop? Whatever, escaped a bit there.
Finished with a profit of over £300 and so a decent nights work.
Well I played the rebuys tonight. Badly. Dym's went well and after my horror night a couple of weeks back, I'm now back to where I was with them. 9.0% Roi looks way prettier than 8.9% Lost around £40 in total (did a few rebuys) so not the end of the world. For fear of sounding like Gazza, I really feel I should have a rest. Obviously this is unlikely to happen but the idea of a relaxing few weeks up to New Year sounds good. I kind of set myself a target each month and after a good night of cash at the weekend, I'm not far away from that right now. Maybe play live a few times and leave it at that. Hmm, prob won't happen.
Wow, that's a great gesture from Sky!! Much deserved IMO, yourself and a few others deserve a little reward for the consistently entertaining diaries and in your case, hilariously sarky comments you post. Shame you have to spend it on a tooth rather than a little treat but hey-ho.
Wow, that's a great gesture from Sky!! Much deserved IMO, yourself and a few others deserve a little reward for the consistently entertaining diaries and in your case, hilariously sarky comments you post. Shame you have to spend it on a tooth rather than a little treat but hey-ho. Posted by SJspanky1
Sorry SJspanky. I'm in daft mood tonight. Thought I'd do a quick test to see if anyone was reading.
Made it all up.
Thought I'd better remove it in case it got me into any trouble.
And there was me believing everything you wrote just like that. I am so naive. And whats wrong with sounding like me anyway? You already stole a similar thread title Posted by gazza127
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : Sorry SJspanky. I'm in daft mood tonight. Thought I'd do a quick test to see if anyone was reading. Made it all up. Thought I'd better remove it in case it got me into any trouble. Would have been nice though! Posted by Jac35
any ideas how many posts you delete? 20% maybe?
thought your birthday present was too good to be true
DoubleAAA shouldn't be allowed in TPT, he's good enough to sit in a team on his own.
Run well with your busy weekend agenda mate.
TPT is always there if you ever want to rejoin, you were a good member of the team. One day you may well come back.
Enjoy the festive night out!
Jac, you could have won both halves 5-0!
Really is amazing how bad I run @ sports betting.
Couldn't have called it any better, Blackpool wont win again all season, going down with the Donny!!!!
Ave a gud en t'neet!
As henrik says, you will always be welcome back if you ever want to rejoin.
Dym's went well and after my horror night a couple of weeks back, I'm now back to where I was with them. 9.0% Roi looks way prettier than 8.9%
Lost around £40 in total (did a few rebuys) so not the end of the world.
For fear of sounding like Gazza, I really feel I should have a rest. Obviously this is unlikely to happen but the idea of a relaxing few weeks up to New Year sounds good.
I kind of set myself a target each month and after a good night of cash at the weekend, I'm not far away from that right now. Maybe play live a few times and leave it at that. Hmm, prob won't happen.
I am so naive.
And whats wrong with sounding like me anyway? You already stole a similar thread title
Standard Friday night out.