I posted something similar to this couple months ago about them and if ou played enough could you be in profit from the amount of cash back youd receive i was told no anyway...
Ive gone for a strategy that is working or may fail miserably!!
I play NL50 and as long as i make enough profit in that i register for a stupid amount of RR raging from £1.10 to £3.30 as there extremely good for points.
At the moment this is goin great as im doin well at NL50
Im currently on 5700 points and didnt play rr lastnight or to much cash but kinda tired so ill be back on fresh starting tm and hoping to have around 8k by then
Thankyou for reading inputs on what people think of this game plan ive gone for be helpfull
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When i make quite a bit of profit through NL50 i then play these as they boost my points rapidly.
If i am down in profit on the day of playing cash i do not play these.
I am in priority so guess that does help anyway.
I only 4 table nl50 at most so getting alot of points through that is gunna be alot of hours and to be honest that aint gunna happen.
There is a degree where you can say play for profit and leave the RR alone
but i think cash back is a great factor in this.
If i can keep at this level i am now i could easily make 30k points for the month and be break even at cash and have a really nice return for it.
As long as i dont have a mega downswing at cash im gunna keep at this and see where it goes
You are making less in points than you are losing in play, so if it's the little chunk you get at the end of each month that u like then do this... if you win at cash and plan to play 20 x £1.10 RRs, then just withdraw the £20 (put it in a seperate account if you want), and do that every night, then at the end of the month, you have £200 or whatever in the seperate account, stick it back on Sky or keep it. But RRs cannot be beaten by any amount of volume, or Sky wouldn't do them, plain and simple, because each time someone played one they would effectively be throwing money away (like you are by playing them).
Sorry if I sound harsh, if you play them cos you enjoy seeing the race or wahtever, that's fine, but to play them thinking you make any sort of profit from them is just mathematically wrong.
Otherwise RR is always nothing more than -ev gambling, ie you lose more money per game than you gain in C4P over time. Of course that's absolutely fine is you're looking for some cheap fun, but don't fool yourself into thinking you're making a profit.
Have you done these RR before? Did you break even/make a profit?
Why the big need to get to 30k points, wud you not be better just retaining the profit at cash you have made and stiil have some c4p?
How has it been going the last few days and fair play to you for trying a different strategy.
It's actually like buying loads of stuff you won't get any benefit from and will only throw away just to get more Nectar points!