First of all I like the idea of a new mtt each monday, and I also like the mtt tonight - fast, cheap and a turbo - with unlimited rebuys too. Good job it is only a quid.
My only problem again is the paying rake for rebuys/addons. I know tonnes of people have brought it up but I thought with you guys not charging rake in the ukops rebuys that it's maybe a permanent fixture now. Obv not. Disappointed Skyzies
You never actually asked the question (you just commented) - & if you had, & I'd seen it, I would have replied.
The exact same question was asked yesterday, & I answered it, HERE
I hope you don't think I'm being rude, but I cannot answer every question, especially if they are "repeat" questions which I have already replied to.
I don't have any access to the "back-end", & such matters are never discussed on the Community for all sorts of sensible reasons.
Contact Customer Care & you will get an instant answer, I would imagine.
Sorry I cannot assist on this one.